country for years. Thanks to the previous studies by Luka Cavalli-Spoka, who invented the first ‘family tree’, the journey to discover the earliest living human beings began. Inspired by his work, Spencer Wells continued Lukas’ work. After viewing Spencer’s enlightening documentary, A Journey of a Man, it amazed me to know how far DNA and science could take someone. He found that over 50,000 years ago in Africa, the oldest tribe known to man, the Sang Bushman, were the first to travel across the globe. When he discovered this, he continued the journey by tracing and testing the blood of the Sang Bushman and others around the world. Although some did not agree with his theory, others accepted it and the evidence speaks for itself. As he traveled the same route the Sang Bushman took from Africa to Australia, India, Europe, the Arctic Circle, and finally America, he tested the blood and how they made the impossible journey based on the time frames. Even as his journey came to an end for the time being, essentially, even 50,000 years ago, each human being who inhabited America was in fact, an immigrant.
With each new wave from 1607 to present day, immigrants offer values and ideas that drive our nation and its economy. In the article, “The importance of immigration”, it stated that, “…immigration is indeed an added value and a valuable infusion of energy” (Weingartner). Some of these values derive from education and architecture. For example, some architectural designs were greatly influenced by immigrants such as the Bauhaus refugees, Europeans, Germans, and Spaniards to name a few. On the other hand education played a huge role in the development of America. Also written in Weingartners’ article, “the educational achievements of the men of this group-the women had fewer opportunities-to be downright ‘amazing’” (importance). Since this study occurred in the late 1930’s, women did not have the same opportunities as men; however, the men and women who did succeed went on to further their education. In addition to their success, the amount of immigrants who furthered their education rated higher than those born in the United States. Another attribute immigrants serve is population. If America continues to accept immigrants into the states, the population will grow in a positive manner. According to Tamar Jacobys’ article, “…countries need population—workers, customers, taxpayers, soldiers. And our own openness to immigrants, together with our proven ability to absorb them, is one of our greatest advantages over Japan and Europe, which face a demographic crisis as their ratio of workers to retirees adversely shifts” (Too Many Immigrants). Immigrants help fill population gaps that may damage the economy and potentially open other job opportunities. Additionally, Ben Wattenberg, who was mentioned in Jacoby’s article, had this to say about population: “‘If we keep admitting immigrants at our current levels, there will be almost 400 million Americans by 2050’…one might add, ‘can keep us strong enough to defend and perhaps extend our views and values’” (Too Many Immigrants). Wattenberg wrote this in response to Buchanan’s article and did not intend for the numbers to be feared, but embraced. Regardless, America grows stronger with numbers and that is exactly what immigrant help influence. Besides education, architecture, population growth, and other values, immigrants help benefit the work force and inspire integration. Although some Americans believe that immigrants steal jobs, research proves that the opposite is happening.
After reading the article entitled, “Five myths about immigration”, immigrants taking Americans jobs are at the top of the list. To disprove this, the author found that, “…immigrants tend to be concentrated in high- and low-skilled occupations that complement—rather than compete with—jobs held by native workers” (Meissner). Immigrants simply fill the unwanted jobs, which also assists the economy by stimulating growth, higher wages, and lower taxes. In turn, economists estimate that, “…for each job an immigrant fills, an additional job is created” (Meissner). This opens many doors for immigrants and Americans alike. Now, as the work force grows, the number of consumers grows which stimulates the economy and lowers price tags. Besides Meissner’s article, Jacoby also had something to say about this myth. In his article “Too Many Immigrants?”, he wrote, “…they do not, for example, steal Americans’ jobs, and today’s newcomers are no poorer or less capable than those who came at the turn of the 20th century and ultimately did fine in America”(Jacoby). To reiterate Meissner, Jacoby disproves the job issue and implies that immigrants assist the work force. While this resolves the discretion over jobs, another myth about integration exists. First of all, America was built on different religions and the importance of integrating each of these faiths so that he or she could celebrate their freedom. People come here for that reason alone: Freedom. Still, America asks immigrants to integrate towards them and their ways. Yet, no one really knows what American life means. If anything, immigration helps to enrich and balance integration by bringing original ideals to the States. Lastly, most Americans believe that immigrants are dangerous. Due to the tragic incident of September 11, fear led America to believe that anyone could be a terrorist; particularly immigrants.
Although the fear is understandable, it is crucial to realize that not every immigrant one sees could be associated as a terrorist. Since the attack, the security along the nation’s borders has tripled, leaving men and women who usually protect us in other ways, are preoccupied by these borders. Even though these borders should be monitored, inside these borders impose a grander threat. More crimes occur inside our borders rather than on the outside. Again, Meissner writes that, “Seasoned enforcement officials contend that if we provided enough visas to meet the economy’s demand for workers, border agents would be freed to focus on protecting the nation from truly dangerous individuals and activities, such as drug-trafficking, smuggling and cartel violence”. Crimes inside the United States happen every day, some more dangerous than others, and they have not stopped. In general opinion, most of these crimes are committed by natives opposed to immigrants. With each myth disproved, one could see how beneficial and important immigrants are to everyday life. Despite some minor flaws, I am for immigration because of the benefits they impose for our great nation. Without them, America’s population would slowly decline and the economy would get progressively worse. I appreciate the opportunities they present whenever they take, and create, jobs for everyone. Overall, everyone should embrace immigration, not only for all the benefits and ideals they provide, but because we can all learn more from them and they can learn from us. Finally, if it were not for our ancestors who were all immigrants, we would not be here today.
Work Cited
Weingartner, Rudolph H. "The Importance of Immigration." Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. N.p., 25 Oct. 2011. Web. 13 Sept. 2012. .
Meissner, Doris. "Five Myths about Immigration." Washington Post. The Washington Post, 02 May 2010. Web. 13 Sept. 2012. .
Jacoby, Tamar. "Too Many Immigrants?" Commentary Magazine. N.p., Apr. 2012. Web. 13 Sept. 2012. .