Truman, as he saw the attack of okinawa in 1944 witnessed how the Japanese would not surrender, they had to capture all 100,000 Japanese soldiers on the island (peace and war book page 152 by Ben Walsh). This lead to the US dropping almost 2000 tons of incendiary grenade from B 29 planes which ensured the US a victory for Truman. Although the Japanese were losing the pacific war, the fire bombs failed to persuade Japan to surrender which made Harry Truman’s decision to drop the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. From the information given to Harry Truman of how the Japanese were not willing to surrender, dropping of the atomic bomb was justified as he did it in order to shorten the agony of war and to save American lives. Based on the choices given, Truman had to take the least costly option which was to use this bomb. Furthermore, the bomb was an approach to end Japanese brutality on the asian countries they have colonized. In retrospect, many historians have criticized him as the Japanese were rumoured to be ready to surrender prior to the use of the Atomic…
He would have also had to keep mass-producing bullets for the soldiers. On top of that, President Truman would have to keep sending food and supplies to keep the soldiers healthy and ready to fight. By sending the bomb, he managed to save all of those resources instead of spending them all. The last reason is to get revenge for Pearl Harbor. Pearl Harbor occurred December 7, 1941, and this attack led to a morning attack in Hawaii.…
The Truman Doctrine, the Marshall Plan, NATO, support for Chiang Kai-shek in China, and the American response to the North Korean invasion were all based on the foreign policy of containment in hopes that the United States could create a way to eliminate the threat of anymore Soviet expansion. The Truman Doctrine was a way for the United States to give aid to those who who were trying to stop the damage that the Soviets were causing. The Truman Doctrine was the main contributing factor to why the American people had support for Chiang Kai-shek in China. The Doctrine was also the reason why the United States supported the south after the North Korean invasion. The Marshall Plan had its role in the foreign policy of containment by suggesting…
In Doc A, Truman believes that it was necessary to save as many American lives as possible. This would keep them out of the way of the kamikazees that were flying through and only cause the persistant Japanese to lose lives. Also, from Doc C, the atomic bomb was a way for America to show our might against the Russians.…
Many people were in favor of his overall decision. They took into consideration that many more lives from the opposing side would be lost in the war with this deadly weapon. This would ultimately lead to the overall surrender from the Japanese. According to research, Truman and his troops targeted two military bases which included Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Research also identified where the bomb was pulled. In 1945, President Truman decided to take action and proceed with the bombs. The bombs were pulled over Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This caused widespread devastation throughout Hiroshima and surrounding areas. More than 70,000 people were killed instantly and the Japanese military base was wiped out. Why did many individuals support Truman’s decision? According to research, Truman wanted to end the war, so he chose the best available option, which was setting off the atomic bomb. This saved untold lives on both sides in the process. The ultimate responsibility for Hiroshima and Nagasaki lied within the Japanese. Truman sought to bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki to avoid an overall invasion of Japan. Truman and many others thought morally throughout the time of questioning. In the end, the use of the atomic bombs was not only necessary, but moral. Truman and his supporters provided evidence that proved why his decision was indeed the best for the Americans.…
Henry S. Truman was born on May eighth, 1884 in the farm town of Lamar, Missouri. As a young man he aspired to go to West Point, but his poor eyesight…
The money that was involved in the creation of the atomic bomb was tremendous. It was massive, if it wasn’t experimented on then it was believed that the Americans would be highly disappointed. After the Japanese attack, President Truman took that as a great opportunity to use the bombing. The outcome was successful because it caused an atrocious amount of deaths in…
3. Harry delivers 300 “give ‘em hell Harry” speeches – Republican Dewey should have won…
Harry Truman’s decision to drop the atomic bomb was a good decision. If he had not decided to drop the atomic bombs on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the war would have continued and more Americans, as well as Japanese, would have continued to die. Since the Japanese were using ruthless methods of war like kamikazes or killing themselves rather than be captured, it was hard to tell how far Japan was willing to go in order to win the war. Thus, Truman’s decision to bomb Japan is justifiable by the cause of not knowing to what extents Japan was willing to go. I believe Truman wanted to show the Japanese that the United States was willing to do anything to win the…
A key reason for Truman’s decision to drop the Atomic Bomb was the alternative options were not proper solutions. Dropping the bomb wasn’t the only considered option. The main “runner up” was a mass invasion of Japan. This idea was very dangerous. The casualties for the US were projected to be over 1,000,000 soldiers, and 5,000,000 japanese soldiers. One of the other alternatives was the idea of displaying to true power of the atomic weapon to Japan through a test. Such an idea had way too many flaws to be applicable. There was only enough Plutonium and Uranium available to the US for two bombs, (Little Boy, Fat Man). Also this idea was a risk because if the weapon did not detonate, the US would look even weaker to the Japanese. The idea of barricading the Japanese was also a considered solution, using Naval vessels to trap the Japanese in until the US “starved them out”. The fault in this idea was the unreasonable amount of time and resources it would consume. After weighing the options, and thinking it through carefully, President Truman made the correct choice to drop the bomb.…
On December 7th, 1941, American history changed forever. In a surprise attack that destroyed nearly the entirety of the United States Air Force and Navy, a spark was ignited in American culture to seize and destroy Japan. A vengeance unforeseen by the Americans since the Revolutionary War, the United States and its military were ready to attack but the Japanese “vowed to fight until the end” (pg. 393, Truman). President Harry S. Truman, consequently had to make one of the toughest Presidential decisions ever, yet, it was one that followed the Constitution explicitly and changed the course of human history forever.…
His decision statement was to end the war in Japan and his decision criterion was to have Japan surrender unconditionally. Based on this statement and criterion, he then developed alternatives to end the war. These alternatives were to continue the conventional bombings, conduct a ground invasion, drop the atomic bomb, or conduct a demonstration of the atomic bomb to the Japanese (National Park Service, 2017). Once these alternatives were developed, the risks were analyzed. In the end, Truman decided to drop the atomic bomb. On the outside this may seem like a rational decision but the closer you look, the more you realize that this decision was skewed by bias, loyalty, worry over image, and drive for success.…
Harry S. Truman came into the presidency during one of the most turbulent period in American history. Although Truman left office with one of the lowest approval ratings of any president, with the passage of time, his reputation grew. His dedication to decency, honesty, and old-fashioned common sense eventually endeared him in the publics mind. As his daughter later wrote in toward the end of his life, "He is of course, pleased when he hears that one historian or another, or a group of historians, has rated him as one of the right or nine greatest presidents in our history."…
One can argue that the dropping of the atomic bomb by the United States was strictly a military measure designed to force Japan’s unconditional surrender. First, as stated in the Memoirs of Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson, Japan was willing to literally “fight to the death” and the war was guaranteed to be prolonged for many months against the Japanese. Many more millions of American casualties were bound to happen and the U.S. wasn’t willing to risk all those lives. Because of this unwillingness to surrender, both Truman and Americans found it strenuous to figure out a way to end the war quicker. Charging into Japan or bombing Japanese cities with regular bombs would take up too much time and the number of casualties would only increase. Therefore, having the decision to use an atomic bomb to blow an entire city up within seconds, Truman undoubtedly ordered…
President Truman's decision to drop the atomic bomb was a difficult decision for one man to make. However, before he could ever make that difficult decision he first had to be told the weapon was even an option. The atomic bomb was a closely guarded secret that only a select few even at the highest levels in the government had knowledge of. So when the decision was made to use the bomb it was made to save the lives of not only American servicemen but those of the Japanese empire as well. That faithful decision did take the lives of many civilians of Japan but it also saved more that it ever took. President Truman sacrificed a few to save the many which is extremely hard to accept when the majority of those killed were civilians of all ages…