to ,The Junior Scholastic, Lydia Seiple, a women who lived in texas,had to drive miles to get to a supermarket but in 2014 after fracking started in her town a supermarket was built by her and her husband got a better high paying job. Even if those are good reasons to keep fracking there’s still many more to oppose them.My first reason is how fracking affects Earth.After a Fracking project in Oklahoma, Ohio,and other states many earthquakes happened.A group of scientists found that the natural gas we get from Fracking contains methane.So while the Fracking process is happening methane can leak into the air,so while we're cutting back on fossil fuel were letting methane in the air which can cause climate change.
Another problem is that fracking can get into water. A family,called the Headly’s, had bought a house but what they didn’t know was that the owner before them had sold oil and gas rights. So fracking started on their property and after that start the headleys got rashes, nosebleeds and something have trouble breathing.this was all because gas and oil had gotten into their well which they were reliant on for water.In some places water is so rich with gas from fracking that it can be set on fire. This can relate to me since I have a well to get water from and i wouldn’t want my water to be polluted from fracking. As you can see even though there's benefits from fracking there's a lot more reasons why not to have fracking. All of this also shows how much debate can happen. But when I think of how many good points there are to support each side, I think how this isn’t The Fracking Fight but The Fracking