What is a prostitute? Possibly you know one. A prostitute is a person who engages in sexual activity for payment. Many people in the United States frown upon the idea of selling your body for a profit, but what if there was a way to make prostitution a better situation for everyone. If handled properly prostitution can become just another job for those who struggle to find a source of income. Prostitution also has the potential to become another good source of income for the United States. Did you know that there are an estimated 1-2 million illegal prostitutes in the United States alone? This problem is not just local it is a national epidemic, however some countries are actually putting legal prostitution …show more content…
As said by Corrinne Purtill, “Amnesty International now joins the United Nations, Human Rights Watch, the World Health Organization and other global groups that argue the best way to protect the safety of people who sell sex is to legalize the industry.” Some may think that prostitutes could be protected by laws put into place regarding their treatment and safety. Also if prostitution was legalized it may be assumed that prostitutes would no longer fear repercussion from the law when reporting violence towards themselves or others, they could feel more protected, and it could even help the law enforcement apprehend more sexual predators. According to the article “Sex, Lies and Statistics” after investigating the sex trade in eight big American cities, researchers concluded that pimps can do rather well for themselves. Some in Atlanta bring in $33,000 a week, the study estimates. In Denver, with a population of 2.5m in 2007 if you include the suburbs, the sex trade grossed $40 million.The price for a trick today ranges from a miserable $15 to a bounteous $1,000 or more. Prostitutes have many options besides street-walking. The internet makes it easier for them to set up “dates” and negotiate prices, and harder for the police to catch them. They feel less vulnerable using social-media sites than doing the “stroll”. But 36% nonetheless report that some clients were violent or abusive. This proves that pimps actually make more than the prostitutes themselves. If the government were to legalize brothels, prostitution and pimps it is possible that these things could bring in a large amount of revenue for the government if taxed. Every prostitute should work for a pimp and every pimp for a brothel, therefore leaving the brothels to be taxed by the government and to bring in money for that particular country. Most would believe it to be an