Since man started to live on agriculture, he has to involve in a constant struggle to protect crops from other animal and adverse environmental conditions. In order to get a maximum crop production and profit from the cultivation farmer has to pay a special attention and bare an additional cost for crop protection even today. Crop protection has become even more important due to the introduction of high yielding crop species. Pest and diseases play a major role in these aspects.
What are pest and diseases?
Disease and causal agents
Disease can be defined as a restriction to the normal functioning of a plant caused by micro organisms due to a specific cause which shows symptoms from the outside. Disease causing agents can be categorized to few main categories such fungi, bacteria and virus and the following diagram shows the disease types which are caused by these categories.
Definition of pests
Any animal or plant which restricts the human activities in an agricultural system can be defined as a pest. This definition can differ according to the place and person. A pest for one person could not be an economically important crop or an animal for another.
Insect pests
There are three main categories of weed within agricultural systems. They ate grasses, sedges and broad leaf weeds. Most of the time these act as secondary hosts for pests.
Identification and categorization of disease causing agents
Most of the disease causing fungi belongs to classes Ascomycetes and Basidiomycetes. Fungal types such as Fusarium and Verticellium comes under Ascomycetes and Rhizoktonia and Puccinia comes under Basidiomycetes. In addition there are fungal types which belongs to Oomycetes. Phytopthora and Phythium fall under this category which cause severe infection to the plants.
Disease causing bacteria belong to "Bacilli" type. They are the