Climate changes, certain infections, stress, skin irritation, abrasion, and the use of certain drugs and medications can cause these flare-ups (“Psoriasis,” Funk and Wagnalls; “Psoriasis,” Centers for Disease and Control). This disease can be confused with many other skin diseases so it is important to recognize the medications and treatments used for types of psoriasis. Many medications can be used to treat psoriasis, the interesting part is that all autoimmune diseases, no matter what type, are treated with the same medication. Although, these medications are not always safe.The treatments ultimately depend on how much body area is affected. Specialist prescribe medications such as methotrexate, corticosteroids, retinoids, and dovenez. They also prescribe treatments like phototherapy and cannabis salves (“Psoriasis,” Funk and Wagnalls). It is vital to learn the differences between the medications and treatments and how they affect a person's …show more content…
rays, resulting in a vitamin D deficiency. Jennifer has developed liver disease, due to long uses of corticosteroids and retinoids (Hawkins, Jennifer). Jennifer says, as she is almost in tears over the recollection of the pain these drugs have caused her over the years, “It is a vicious cycle.” Although, medications such as, Dovonex, had zero side effects but Jennifer had to reuse the cream constantly throughout the day to keep the flare-ups to a minimum. Jennifer has passed down the disease to one out of four of her children (“Psoriasis” Funk and Wagnalls; Hawkins,