Study Sheet for Psy 210 Final – Summer 2011 1. Know the following stages in prenatal development with a general understanding of what happens in these stages: Germinal, Embryonic, and Fetal stages from an example 2. Know the following trends in physical development: proximodistal, cephalocaudal, generalized to specific tendency in development 3. Know the following terms and the ages at which they generally occur: Menarche, spermarche, osteoporosis 4. Know Piaget’s sensorimotor stage from an example 5. Know Piaget’s preoperational stage from an example 6. Know Piaget’s concrete operations stage from an example 7. Know Piaget’s formal operations stage from an example 8. Know the Piagetian post-formal operations stage from an example 9. Know Piaget’s concept of…
* You will always be able to see the time remaining in the quiz or final exam at the top right of the page.…
Brian often interrupts his teacher while she is speaking and frequently forgets to complete his homework assignments. He also has difficulty taking turns in playground games with classmates. Brian most clearly exhibits symptoms of:…
I think that IQ tests such as these are very good at evaluating a person's reasoning ability, skills at pattern recognition and comprehension / memory. However, there are other measures of an individuals aptitiudes such as emotional IQ, ability to function under stress, creativity and resourcefulness that can be just as important in practical life. For some purposes, IQ test results can be a useful tool for evaluation and comparison, but people shouldn't put too much stock in this as a single comprehensive measure of their abilities. There are many ways in which we can succeed in life that don't necessarily involve math prowess or extreme powers of recall or…
I have never had the opportunity to test a theory formally, but I did test my own theory about what my 6 year old daughter will watch on the television in the evenings by doing my own little experiment. The research method was similar to the Naturalistic observation. When she is done with her homework my wife and I will let her sit down and watch a couple of hours of television of her own choosing. She would either watch television in her own room alone or with us as a family watching what she chose downstairs together. I found that when she was with us she would choose a program that was a sitcom show, such as “Good…
I would have to say yes that feel the results were accurate. Some of the questions I had to really put some thought into, and I tend to like those types of exercises because it makes me feel like I am actually putting my brain to use. IQ tests cannot be statistically demonstrated to measure innate intelligence because there is no way to verify their accuracy without changing the common definitions of intelligence to be a list of quantifiable real-life criteria to test accuracy. No such list can match the common definitions of innate intelligence, or even come close because the intelligence component of such criteria, free of bias, cannot be defined, separated, and quantified. Imagine that person A) goes to a good school, where they often practice questions similar to IQ tests. Sometimes they even take IQ tests. Person B goes to a bad school, they don't practice similar questions or IQ tests. Both are presented an IQ test. It is possible that person B) is more intelligent, but not having practiced an IQ test is not prepared for it. They are expected to do worse and probably will. I believe that IQ tests only measure one aspect of intelligence and may not be valid across every person. Some people may be more skilled in certain areas, and some people may not have had the background to excel in IQ tests. So, having IQ tests to compare different people is not very…
Over the past few days, I classical conditioned a pet and I made sure that what I was doing was very safe and not harmful to the pet in any way. The pet that I classical conditioned was my friend’s guinea pig and my goal was for the guinea pig to form an association between receiving food and the banging of the cabinet door where the guinea pig’s food is stored by its cage. First, I just gave the guinea pig food like he usually gets. The normal response of the guinea pig was to go and eat the food and that is what he did. After that, I just slammed the cabinet shut where the food is stored and I did not give the guinea pig any food. After that, I gave the guinea pig food and at the same time that I gave the guinea pig food, I also slammed the cabinet door shut. I repeated this many times so that the guinea pig got used to hearing the cabinet shut when he got food. After awhile, I just started to close the cabinet door loudly and when I did this, I noticed that the guinea pig went to his food dish and began looking for food even though there was no food in the dish. This took many trials, but I did get it to work a few times in the end. In this example, there are examples of a UCS, UCR, NS, CS, and CR. The UCS in this example is the food that the guinea pig always eats, the UCR is the natural instinct of the guinea pig eating the food when it is given to him, the NS is the slamming of the cabinet door, the CS is the slamming of the cabinet too, and the CR is when the guinea pig looks for food and tried to find it to eat by just hearing the cabinet slam shut. I also included an extension in my experiment. The extension that I included was discrimination. I incorporated discrimination into this experiment…
My personal thoughts after taking the first test I was a little skeptical on how they come up with the results. The test was a bit odd to me. While taking the test, I started to pick up on a pattern while picking dark skinned faces with bad words and light skinned faces with good words and vice versa. I am sure many other people have picked up on it too. My only problem with the test is that when you figure out the pattern it can definitely alter the results at the end and come up with biases that are not true. Though I think the IAT is a useful and very successful tool on finding hidden biases and attitudes, in my opinion there are ways to trick the test.…
Regarding my results, I scored far differently than I thought I would. In fact, the test results stated that I have a moderate automatic preference for young people over old people. I was quite surprised by this result because in most social situations I gravitate toward elderly persons versus talking to a child or…
Another problem is that even if these tests were objective, they could not determine whether the person was innocent or competent. My own experience has shown me that IQ scores are only good at telling how well a person does on IQ tests. Not much more, not much less.…
Maltby, J., Day, L. and Macaskill, A.. (2010). The Use of Intelligence Tests. In: Personality, Individual Differences and Intelligence. 2nd ed. Essex: Pearson Education Limited. 308-335.…
These findings support the findings of prior studies. However, systematic overestimation or underestimation of scores could make the correlations biased. Whether men are actually more intelligent than women is yet to be evidenced. Nevertheless, it is important to note that people perceive their intelligence as well as the intelligence of others differently. More investigations on how people perceive their intelligence, that of others and what their perception means needs to be explored.…
The theory has been met with mixed responses. Traditional intelligence tests and psychometrics have generally found high correlations between different tasks and aspects of intelligence, rather than the low correlations which Gardner's theory predicts. Nevertheless many educationalists support the practical value of the approaches suggested by the theory.[1]…
The I.Q. test is still used today to help maximize a persons potential to achieve. Society should be thankful to Alfred Binet for exposing the academic potential in all of us, and being able to measure such potential.…
Overall, the resulting analysis was more accurate than not. It touched on areas of my personality that I was not consciously aware of. I believe it is a useful tool for businesses or anyone that wants to get to know their selves better. However, in some sections it became difficult to comprehend their meaning, but this does not affect the test’s usefulness and accuracy.…