Appendix B
History Matrix
Directions: Using the matrix, list at least five events or major concepts from each of the three periods in the history of modern personality psychology.
|1930 - 1950 |1950 - 1970 |1970 - Present |
|Example: |Example: |Example: |
|* Learning from animal responses. |* Specialized psychology departments. |* The Big Five model. |
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|-In the 1930’s American psychology searched for universal laws |-In 1957 Hall and Lindzey personality textbooks organized the |-Personality psychology was questioned by many. |
|applicable to all organisms, which means it aimed to discover |field according to these grand systems, variously dividing the |-Mischel’s critique launched a protracted debate in personality |
|and test general principles or laws of behavior. (p.22 Ch.1) |systems into psychoanalytic and psychosocial theories. |psychology over the efficacy of trait-based vs. situation-based |
|-In 1937, Gordon Allport published the first major textbook on |-1950-1970 was a historical phase with tremendous expansion of |approaches to predicting and understanding social behavior. |
|personality: Personality: A Psychological Interpretation. (p.22.|higher education after WW II creating professional |-even though personality psychology was being questioned if it |
|Ch1.) |specializations such as clinical, counseling, and more. |was legitimate, but evolved in the mid 80’s into a sense of |
|-Allport’s 1937 psychology of the individual to learn about |-During the late 60’s early 70’s some psychologists delivered a |renewal and revitalization. |
|different personalities. |series of devastating critiques of personality psychology that |-Personality psychologist refined new research methodologies and|
|-By the 1930’s many psychologist pulled together and developed |threw the field into crisis, such as chastising personality |in the development of personality across life’s course |
|comprehensive theories of personality derived from clinical |psychologists for ignoring the theories of the early years and | |
|observations and rooted in the European psychoanalytic |try to discover new things. | |
|tradition. (pg.23 Ch.1) |-Strayed away from the studies of the 30’s to instead focus on | |
|-Erikson’s 1950 psychosocial theory of personality development. |problems and controversies concerning personality measurement. | |
| |-The United States increased federal funding supporting | |
| |personality research in laboratories and field of particular | |
| |personality constructs, such as extraversion, anxiety, the need | |
| |for achievement, etc. | |
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