Appendix F
Brain Studies
This activity will increase your understanding of the different methods used to study the brain. All of these methods can be found in the readings from this week.
Directions: You will see some of the methods for studying the brain listed in this table. In the spaces provided detail what the method is (i.e. define it), why you would have it done (what disorders or other reasons would a doctor order the test, and how it was discovered or developed (this may take some googling, remember to use citations and references).
|Method |What |Why |How |
|Contrast X-ray | injecting into one compartment | Vascular damage, tumor placement, | 1923 used it to look at a gallbladder. |
| |of the body a substance that absorbs | | |
| |X-rays | | |
|Computed Tomography | Computer assisted x-ray that can see the | To see where tumors are in cancer | In |
| |brain and other internal structures. |patients. |1979, G.N. Hounsfield and A.M. Cormack |
| | | |were awarded the |
| | | |Nobel Prize in medicine for the invention |
| | | |of CT. |