Models for stress: Know what each model says about stress (e.g., Cannon’s, Selye’s, etc.)
Stress & the Immune system – Acute vs. prolonged stress & illness; Physiology of stress & immune system functioning
-SAM System- Sympathetic adrenomedullary system. Results in release of catecholamines.
-HPA System- Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenocortical system. Results in release of corticosteroids-cortisol. Chronically elecated levels-compromises the immune system. Destruction of hippocampal neurons. Increase in storage of centripetal fat.
PTSD & Acute Stress Disorder (How are they similar? How different? Symptoms? Subtypes?, etc.)
-PTSD- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder-Related to trauma. Subtypes: Acute PTSD-Symptoms develop within 6 months of trauma-Prognosis: good with treatment. Delayed PTSD-Symptoms develop after 6 …show more content…
Treatments: Cognitive restructuring- Construct a situation differently. Thought-Stopping- Traing to recognize thoughts, tell yourself to stop. Cognitive rehearsal- In anticipation of an anxiety-provoking event. Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT)- Acceptance-accept and not avoid thoughts and feelings. Commitment-commit to a different action. Mindfulness- Be in the moment- Be present in the moment. Studies: ACT is effective for mild to moderate anxieties. As effective as CBT. Used for: OCD, social anxiety, Generalized Anxiety Disorder.
Biological- Drug Treatments: Anxiolytics- Anti-Anxiety Disorders. Enhance GABA-inhibitory neurotransmitters.
Co-morbidity Issues- If you have one anxiety disorder, it increases the risk for another. They run in families. People with anxiety disorders are more likely to be depressed but not vice versa.
Personality Disorders - General diagnostic criteria for all P.D.’s (AND DSM-IV vs. proposed DSM-V)
Characteristic way of responding to, perceiving, and thinking about one’s