PSY 357- Life-Span Development
July 13, 2014
Euthanasia, often referred to as mercy killing, easy death, or right to die, generates strong feelings both pro and con as proponents of each side passionately argue their ideological stance. The broader concept is often missed with the attention placed on the narrow view of physician-assisted suicide. Many have little or no tolerance or understanding of the patient’s position feeling there is no quality of life in their present circumstance or condition and as such, they have a personal choice or entitlement to end their life or have someone else assist them in ending it in order to cease their own personal, unbearable, suffering and/or pain. Currently, this type of practice within these United States is deemed unacceptable and unlawful except within the states of Oregon, Washington, and Montana (Marker, …show more content…
Further, it has ethical, societal, civil rights, health and legal effects, some of which will be discussed herein.
Many people feel Physician-assisted suicide is a kind of euthanasia, but in actual fact, it really is not. Dr. Brian Pollard, a retired Anesthetist and Palliative Care Physician, feels its real nature and significance are complex and often misunderstood (1998). He indicates this misunderstanding comes about as a result of euthanasia offering varied meanings to various people. His belief is that euthanasia is the "intentional killing of another person at his/her request for compassionate motives," whereas supported suicide happens when an individual contributes the method and/or supplies that kill to another, with the objective this method or supplies will be utilized for that purpose. In other words, it offers a way for the physician to supply the patient with the necessary information,