Tracey Mullins
April 13, 2015
Ariel Gonzalez
The following discussion is on a graduate student in psychology, which is taking online courses. While taking classes this student also has financial obligations, and other responsibilities at home. Lately the student is under much stress. Most of the stress is from the financial problems and finding time to complete assignments for class. Complaints from the student are eating habits, not going to the gym, sleeping patterns, shortness of breath, and rapid heart rate. Other problems include not able to stay focus and cannot concentrate. The following will express how the student can take steps helping to reduce stress, while applying the biopsychosocial …show more content…
model. The use of physiological, behavioral, and self-report methods to help employ the measure of stress. Expressing on maladaptive thoughts one can identify, which could lead to stress, following the evidence-based physiological, behavioral, and cognitive intervention methods one would use to reduce stress. One will see a discussion on the effectiveness of a cognitive behavioral approach in measuring stress and sleep.
Stress Management
Steps can be taken to reduce stress levels, such as taking breaks. Students, caregivers, parents, and spouses has to remember it is alright to take a break, even if it is just for a few minutes to take a walk, or just to be quiet. Meditation practice for a few minutes each day can be beneficial in reducing stress by altering the brains neural pathways. By sitting up with a straight back, placing both feet firmly on the floor, choose a mantra, which works for the individual, then place a hand on the stomach, then repeat the mantra until it syncs with the steady breathing (Kadhiravan, & Kumar, 2012).
Concentrate on breathing, even for a few minutes. Breathing slowly and deeply through the nose, then slowly exhale through the mouth. Deep breathing reduces stress by lowering blood pressure and slowing the heart rate (Gabrilowitz, 2001).
“Take time to stop and smell the roses”, is a healthy statement to remember. People have to take a few minutes to slow down and focus with awareness on one behavior, sight, sound, taste, smell, or touch (Davis, 1999)
Talk to friends, family, or classmates, there is no shame in asking for help, or another perspective, or maybe just an ear to listen (Kadhiravan, & Kumar, 2012).
Pay attention to what the body is saying. Take a mental inventory on how the body is feeling. The body needs and wants to get moving, take the stairs instead of the elevator, park at the far end of the lot. Yoga and walking can ease anxiety and depression. Take a brisk walk around the block. Let the brain release endorphins and give the body a chance to process and release the stress. Do this while listening to some soothing music or pull out a feel good song and sing, loudly (Kaniecki, 2006).
Lower cortisol and raise endorphins with laughter. Decompress with a warm towel at the base of the neck, relaxing the muscles with closed eyes (Gabrilowitz, 2001).
Physiological, Behavioral, and Self-report Methods
The physiological method one could employ to measure stress is by the laboratory testing of saliva.
This is known as salivary cortisol testing, which can collect fluid from the sublingual, parotid, and submandibular salivary glands. The levels of cortisol are measured through the alpha amylase, which spikes due to stress. Salivary cortisol sample collection is non-invasive and salivary amylase measurement is an accurate tool for stress assessment (Lai, 2005).
The behavioral method one could employ to measure stress would be interviews to specify major life events and the interviewer can identify specific stressors that might be putting one at risk. One could participate in Standardized Event Rating System (SEPRATE) interview and the Life Events and Difficulties Schedule (LEDS) interview (Harrington, …show more content…
The self-report method one could employ to measure stress is the mindfulness questionnaires to illustrate recognition of stress in current situations and rate the various degrees of stress with judgment.
This method can separate exciting stress or acute stress situations from chronic or long-term stress (Harrington, 2013).
Maladaptive Thoughts
Maladaptive thoughts, which might have led to increased stress for this student include the extent of problems. Looking at a health perspective, this student could be having anxiety, which will bring on shortness of breath rapid heart rates. This student is increasing stress while talking him or her into a heart attack. Looking at the diet, he or she may put more stress on themselves by not going to the gym and giving into the fast food. Thoughts could be “why change, it will be the same”. Maladaptive thoughts can harm a person. Reading into the negatives will lead to acting in negative ways.
Evidence-based, Behavioral, and Cognitive Intervention
Evidence-based physiological, behavioral, and cognitive intervention methods to reduce stress can include cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) suggest that changing maladaptive thinking will lead to a change in behavior and affect. This in turn will reduce stress by challenging beliefs and patterns and replacing them with effective and realistic thoughts. This should create a reduction of self-defeating behavior and emotional distress. CBT helps to replace negative thoughts and emotions with positive, open and mindful ways of thinking and behavior (Kadhiravan, & Kumar, 2012).
Cognitive Behavioral Approach Measuring Stress and Sleep
The effectiveness of a cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) approach in measuring stress and sleep are extensive and effective with the use of sleep diaries and identification of emotions and thoughts that can negatively affect sleep. Individuals learn relaxation technique, how to structure sleep environments, and what to remove from the environment that might interfere with sleep and promote healthy sleep habits. Mindfulness-based therapy focuses on compassion, insight, acceptance, and mindfulness to reduce stress (Fram, & Tompson, 2008). When one allows him or herself to recognize what is the real problem, it becomes easier to work on the problems in a more positive mind frame.
In conclusion, there was information provided for the student, which can be taken to reduce stress levels. A discussion on the physiological, behavioral, and self-report, which could employ the measuring in one’s stress level. Maladaptive thoughts can cause one’s stress levels to increase. Learning these thoughts is part of one’s treatment when trying to reduce stress levels. Evidence-based physiological, behavioral, and cognitive intervention methods, which were selected and described that can be used to reduce stress. Knowing how to find the effectiveness of a cognitive behavioral approach in measuring stress and sleep is another beneficial part for one who is trying to reduce stress. Individuals’ will have stress in his or her life, but instead of giving into the stress one should work towards a positive way to dealing and to conquering the issues, which do come with life itself. Knowing and using the right techniques will allow am individual to rise above the stress, which means a healthier and happier life.
Davis, L. V. (1999). Role conflict and stress in graduate students (Order No. 9951569).
Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Full Text. (304549256). Retrieved from
Fram, A., & Tompson, T. (2008, Mar 19). Survey: Stress causes college students to lose sleep, motivation. Orlando Sentinel. Retrieved from
Gabrilowitz, D. L. (2001). Graduate students and stress (Order No. 3012612). Available from
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Full Text. (230875820). Retrieved from Harrington, R. (2013). Stress, health, & well-being: Thriving in the 21st century. Belmont, CA:
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Kadhiravan, S., & Kumar, K. (2012). Enhancing stress coping skills among college students. Researchers World,3(4), 49-55. Retrieved from
Kaniecki, R., Ruoff, G., Smith, T., Barrett, P. S., & al, e. (2006). Prevalence of migraine and response to sumatriptan in patients self-reporting tension/stress headache. Current Medical Research and Opinion, 22(8), 1535-44. Retrieved from
Lai, J. C. L., Evans, P. D., Ng, S. H., Chong, A. M. L., & al, e. (2005). Optimism, positive affectivity, and salivary cortisol. British Journal of Health Psychology, 10, 467-84. Retrieved from