Fall 2013 – MW(F) 9.05-10:00 am Instructor: Dr. Arellano
Office: Farrar 139
Phone: 337.475.5461
Email: darellano@mcneese.edu
Office hours:
Monday 10:00 - 11:30 am & 3:00 – 5:30 pm
Tuesday 9:30 - 11:30 am
Wednesday 10:00 - 11:30 am & 3:00 – 5:30 pm or by appointment Course Description: Provides an understanding of human behavior and lays a foundation for additional work in psychology. Duplicate credit will not be given for PSYC 101 and PSYC 201.
PSYC 101 has been identified by the QEP/GEAC as both a General Education Core Course and a Writing-Enriched Course. The General Education competency we will assess is Independent Learning, which will be assessed via grades on the Social …show more content…
Psychology Movie Essay.
Required Textbooks and Materials 1. Psychology (McNeese edition) by Lester Lefton and Linda Brannon with Dena Matzenbacher. 2. Readings in Psychology (3rd edition) by Dilks, Matzenbacher, & Melville Course goals include • understanding how the principles of the scientific method apply to psychology • developing critical thinking skills and applying those skills to psychology. • communicating your knowledge of psychology • understanding the universal and culturally specific aspects of behavior • learning how to apply principles of psychology to improve your own life. Student Learner Outcomes
On completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Define the field of psychology and differentiate it from related fields.
2. Recognize the process of the scientific method and understand that psychology research follows this process.
3. Develop critical thinking skills to distinguish between the popular images of psychology and the research and applied work that psychologists actually do.
4. Read with comprehension to become familiar with topics in psychology, including biopsychology, consciousness, learning, memory, intelligence, social behavior, and abnormal behavior.
5. Demonstrate the ability to learn and apply course content independently (Gen Ed competency).
5. Recognize that levels of conscious experience, learning, memory, intelligence, social behavior, and abnormal behavior vary among individuals but also have both universal and culture-specific aspects.
Assessments of Student Learner Outcomes
1. Students will demonstrate that they recognize the differences between psychology and related fields through their performance on tests and/or assignments.
2. Students will demonstrate their understanding of the scientific method as it applies to research in the field of psychology through their performance on tests and/or assignments.
3. Students will exhibit critical thinking skills regarding popular images of psychology and actual psychology research and applied work through their performance on tests and/or assignments.
4. Students will exhibit comprehension of content in basic areas of psychology through their performance on tests and/or assignments.
5. Students will exhibit independent learning through their performance on the Social Psychology Movie essay assignment.
6. Students will demonstrate awareness of individual differences in various aspects of human behavior, as well as cultural differences and the role of cultural factors on behavior, through their performance on tests and/or assignments. Methods of Instruction 1. Lectures or presentations pertaining to each chapter or major topic 2. Outlines or study guides (handouts) for each chapter or major topic 3. Class discussion regarding critical issues in the field of psychology 4. Viewing of movies and movie clips illustrating various aspects of psychology 5. Reading assignments and written responses for various topics in psychology Course Content Topics include an introduction to the field of psychology including the history of psychology and psychology research methods, as well as a survey of numerous subfields within psychology including (but not limited to) biopsychology, consciousness, human development, learning, cognitive psychology, memory, intelligence, motivation, emotion, stress & health, social behavior, and abnormal psychology. Course Policies Attendance It is important that students attend class regularly for lecture and discussion materials, handouts, and class assignments and announcements. Attendance will be checked regularly. Late assignments and makeup exams will not be accepted without written proof of an excused absence, which includes (1) personal illness, (2) university-sponsored trip or activity, or (3) death in the family. Most (if not all) assignments may be submitted electronically, thus reducing the likelihood of missed deadlines. Students who miss class at any time are responsible for obtaining lecture and discussion notes and assignments from a classmate. Students who miss an in-class exam date or graded assignment must contact the professor within three class days, provide written documentation of a university-excused absence, and make arrangements to complete the missed assignment or take the makeup exam within a reasonable amount of time. Students who stop coming to class during the semester will not be automatically withdrawn from this course; therefore, students wishing to drop the course must do so formally on or before the university's drop/withdrawal deadline (24 October 2013) or request a grade of "WN" prior to the final exam. A grade of "WN" will not automatically be given for students who stop coming to class OR for students who take the final exam. In those situations, a grade of "F" may be given for this course.
Persons needing academic adjustments, accommodations, or reasonable accommodations as provided by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, as Amended, should contact Tim Delaney, Director of Services for Students with Disabilities, Drew Hall, Room 200, (337) 475-5916; TDD/TTY, hearing impaired (337) 562-4227 orssd@mcneese.edu or tdelaney@mcneese.edu. Tim Delaney is the contact person for academic adjustments for students and student concerns.
Students should visit the MSU web page at http://www.mcneese.edu/policy/diversity-awareness for information about diversity awareness and sexual harassment policies and procedures.
Students should visit the MSU web page at http://www.mcneese.edu/policy/academic-integrity-policy for a detailed explanation of the University Academic Integrity Policy.
Students should visit the MSU web page at http://www.mcneese.edu/policy/student-class-attendance-regulations-policy for a detailed explanation of the University Attendance Policy.
Students should visit the MSU web page at http://www.mcneese.edu/policy/student-rights-and-responsibilities for a detailed explanation of student rights and responsibilities.
The Write to Excellence Center, located in Drew Hall, Room 234, offers both individual and group tutoring for students working on writing assignments of any kind. Tutors are trained to assist with writing at any step in the process. Further information can be obtained by visiting the writing center, at http://www.mcneese.edu/writingcenter, or by calling the center at 562-4206. Course Requirements
There will be 13 weekly chapter quizzes worth 100 points each. Quizzes will consist of 10-15 short answer or multiple choice questions from the study guide (available in Moodle), from the text, and from lecture. Quizzes open for the chapter under discussion on Wednesday morning during lecture and close that Saturday night at midnight. There will be a total of 13 quizzes given, and I will use only your top 10 scores; the lowest 3 quiz scores will be dropped at the end of the semester.
Students will be given three writing assignments throughout the course of the semester, which will include 2 brief in-class essays and 1 movie assignment. These assignments may include preliminary web activities. All assignment dates will be posted in Moodle and discussed in class, and all assignments MUST be turned in and/or completed on the assigned due dates. Two essay assignments will be worth 100 points each and the third is worth 200 points. The writing assignments are NOT optional and failure to submit same will result in a grade of 0 for the assignment AND will result in the loss of one letter grade for each missed assignment.
The final project for this section of PSYC 101 will be a movie assignment.
This is the third essay mentioned above, and is worth 200 points. This will be submitted electronically through a link provided in Moodle. Deadline for this assignment is 9 December at 9:00 am, which is the scheduled time for the final exam in this course. See Attendance Section regarding late assignments.
Final grades will be based on the standard below:
90-100% = A 80-89.9% = B 70-79.9% = C 60-69.9% = D 0-59.9% = F
Students in PSYC 101 may earn extra credit points by participating in psychology department sponsored research projects as they become available during the semester. These opportunities are posted periodically on a table outside the Psychology department on the 1st floor (NW corner). Students opting to participate in these studies may earn 10 points toward their course point total for each study, for a maximum of 5 studies. An alternative assignment will be offered at the end of the semester for students who wish to obtain extra credit points without participating in psychology department research projects.
Assignment Schedule – Fall 2013
Class Date(s)
Quiz dates
Intro and Ch 1
Ch 2
Ch 4
Ch 5
Ch 6
Ch 7
Big Five Inventory Discussion and Assignment
In-Class Writing Assignment #1
Ch 8
Ch 9
Ch 10
Ch 11
Ch 12
Ch 13
Thanksgiving Break
Ch 14
In-Class Writing Assignment #2
12/9 @ 9 am
Movie Writing Assignment Due in Moodle
Quizzes open for each week’s chapter on Wednesday morning during lecture and will close that Saturday night at midnight.
All writing assignments are mandatory.
The movie assignment serves as the final exam for this section of Psyc 101.