Part A. Over the past twenty years North Americans have witnessed the largest boom in population in the area of seniors. For the purpose of this assignment I will define a senior as anyone over the age of sixty. The increased number of seniors in conjunction with a longer life span has raised questions about these individuals quality of life both emotionally, mentally and physically. The purpose of this study is to look at whether or not dog ownership leads individuals to be more physically active. To discover whether or not dog ownership leads to increased physical activity, the study will utilize the random sampling of one hundred individuals living in the Canadian government funded Legion apartment buildings consisting of four hundred apartment units. To conduct the random sample all four hundred unit numbers will be logged into a computer program. Next, the computer program will assign random numbers to each unit number. From this random assignment, one hundred unit numbers will be chosen. Once this is done, each survey will be mailed out to the chosen apartments.
Part B.
1. Identify your gender? __Male __Female ___Transgender
2. Identify your age? __60-70 __71-80 __81-90 __91-100
3. What best describes your race? __Caucasian __First Nations __Asian __East Indian
4. Identify your current relationship status:
__Divorced __Single __Widow
5. What is your employment status?
__Full Time __Part- time __Retired
6. What best describes your daily activity level:
__Less than 30 minutes
__30 minutes
__More than 30 minutes
7. On a daily basis what activities do you participate in?
8. Do you own a dog?
__No Skip to Question 13
9. Why did you buy/adopt your dog?
__It was a gift
10. How many walks do you take your dog for each week?
11. Do you
References: McBurney, D.H., White, T.L. (2010). Research Methods. Wadsworth, Cengage Learning. Belmont California.