Report on Family Systems Tools
Report on Family Systems Tools
Family psycho education has many different models each model includes common elements. The different models of family psycho education include single and multiple family groups, mixed groups that include patient and family members, groups of varying duration, and groups that focus on families and the patient at different stages during the illness, or problem. Multi-family groups are thought to be very successful in treating certain mental disorders. Multi-family groups can be traced back to 1960’s when these groups were used to solve problem in the ward amongst psychiatric patients, and management. Family psycho educational therapy is different from traditional family therapy in the families are not seen as part of the problem, they are seen as part of the solution. Families are also treated as partners rather than patients, thus building a strong therapeutic relationship with the psycho educational counselors (family psycho education). The popularization and development of the term psycho education into its current form is widely attributed to the American researcher C.M. Anderson in 1980 in the context of the treatment of schizophrenia. Her research concentrated on educating relatives concerning the symptoms and the process of the schizophrenia. Also, her research focused on the stabilization of social authority and on the improvement in handling of the family members among themselves. Finally, C.M. Anderson's research included more effective stress management techniques. Psycho education in behavior therapy has its origin in the patient's relearning of emotional and social skills. In the last few years increasingly systematic group programs have been developed, in order to make the knowledge more understandable to patients and their families Psycho educational Therapy Model, 2010).
The goal of family psycho education is to prevent patients with severe mental illnesses from
References: Family Psycho Education. (n.d.). Retrieved July 24, 2010, from Encyclopedia of mental disorders: Griffiths, C. A. (n.d.). The theories, mechanisms, benefits, and practical delivery of psycho educational interventions for people with mental health disorders. Retrieved July 24, 2010, from The International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation: Parrott III, L. (2003) Counseling and Psychotherapy (2nd ed.) Bellmont, CA : Brooks/ Cole/Thompson Learning. Psycho educational Therapy Model, 2010.,, Retrieved on July 22, 2010. Psycho-education Theory Model, 2010 Retrieved from Retrieved on 24 July 2010.