goal too.
The psychoanalytic theory was developed by Sigmund Freud. Freud introduced the idea that there are five stages of development. The stages start from infancy and goes until adulthood. The five different stages are called oral stage, anal stage, phallic stage, latency, and genital stage. Oral stage occurs from birth to age one. In the first stage, oral stage, pleasureable sensation is occurring in the mouth of the baby. The activities with the mouth include sucking, biting, swallowing, etc. Anal stage occurs from the age of one to three. In the second stage, anal stage, pleasureable sensation is occurring in the anus of the baby. Freud explained that during the anal stage the child starts to learn potty training. Phallic stage occurs from age three to six. In phallic stage, pleasurable sensation is occurring in the penis for boys; whereas girls wonder why they don’t have a penis.