My topic is on the psycholinguistics field, focused on Schizophrenic case. I propose this Topic because of three reasons. The first reason is that in my opinion schizophrenic person is unique, means that they are mentally “ill” or ‘broken” and I want to know how they constructs their language order; the words construction. I have been wondering if their “mentally ill” affects their language order or not; how bad it influence their language order. Second reason is that this study, in my expectation, can help laymen to identify the sign of schizophrenia. By analyzing their words order we, as a linguistics people, can help laymen to identify whether their friends or family are the victim of schizophrenia or not. The third reason why I choose their study is that I want to know how they comprehend the meaning and put the ideas on the sentences that they are produced when they are answering the questions.
In this study I will divide the sources into three type of schizophrenic person. The first is low schizophrenic victims means that this data taken from people who are in the low rank of schizophrenia. Second is that medium schizophrenic victims means that the data taken from people who have been be ill over a long period. The third is that schizophrenic victims in the high rank. This people are the people who are in the very bad schizophrenia or we can say that they are “crazy” people. In this study I plan to collect the data from the schizophrenic people in the hospital. In my plan I will take the data from RSJ PORONG or PESANTREN MENTAL.
In doing this research I will ask some questions to the three types of schizophrenic person. The questions will be start with the easy one into some difficult questions. It will be start by a question like: “what is your name?” and “what do you like?” or “what is your hobby?” then it will be continue by some questions which asking them to