Physical addiction on the other hand is significantly different than psychological addiction.
A person who is physically addicted literally means that the individual is depend on a certain substance e.g.; smoking can be physically addictive because of the chemical found in tobacco, Nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive ingredient of tobacco, which serves as a mild stimulant for the nervous system and more a potent cardiovascular system stimulant. Once a user also builds a tolerance to that substance you will have to increase your than what it previously was in order to get the same effects. This explains why people who smoke cigarettes end up smoking a pack daily which can make a dent in your pockets. Once the user is physically addicted and attempts to cut a substance completely off or go “cold turkey” from drugs, cigarettes or alcohol withdrawal symptoms occur. Withdrawal symptoms vary from substance to substance also depending on how long you have been abusing it. Smoking withdrawal symptoms for example can be the urge to smoke, anxiety, depressed mood, restlessness and or difficulty to concentrate just to name a few.
An addicted brain is different than an ordinary healthy brain. When someone is addicted specifically to a substance the human brain is physically and chemically different. Addictive