Introduction and Methodology of Study
1.1 Topic: The topic of the study is “Psychological Analysis of a Film Clockwork Orange”. 1.2 Objective:
1. To analyze the movie based on its structural elements.
2. To analyze the movie based on Adler’s theory of Individual Psychology. 1.3 Importance of the Research:
There are two benefits expected from this study they are as follows; * To give additional information and contribution to large body of knowledge * Particularly the studies of the Clock Work Orange movie. * To improve the researcher’s understand and competence in applying individual psychological approach into literature.
1.4 Statements of Problems:
In this research, the writer proposes a single problem statement. The problem of the research is how the main character of Stanley Kubric’s film Clock Work Orange go through his life.
1.5 Research Methodology: * Type of the Study * In analyzing Stanley Kubrics’ Clock Work Orange the writer uses descriptive qualitative research. * The object of the study is structural elements and the major character of Clock Work Orange movie. * Type of the Data and the Data Sources * These studies consist of two data sources: * The primary data source of the study is taken from Clock Work Orange movie directed by Stanley Kubrics is. * The secondary data sources are from the book and interne t including reference and material related to the study, such as theory of Literature book, theory of personality book, and manuscript of Forrest Gump movie. * Technique of the Data Collection. * The method used in this study is library research by collecting and recording both of the primary and the secondary data. * Some steps of collecting data applied in this study are as follows. * Watching the movie repeatedly. * Identifying the topic of the movie. * Determining the major character that will be analyzed. * Reading
References: 1. "Box Office Information for A Clockwork Orange". Box Office Mojo. Retrieved August 1, 2011. 2 9. Theodore Dalrymple (2006-01-25). A Prophetic and Violent Masterpiece by Theodore Dalrymple, City Journal Winter 2006". Retrieved 2011-03-13. 10