By M.Farouk Radwan, MSc.
Recent researches, psychology and biology have pointed out many differences between men and women that can help us understand them both in a better way.
Sometimes the main reason communication problems happen between men and women is that they don't quite understand the differences between themselves well.
Had men and women understood their psychological and biological differences they would have understood each other better and less problems would have happened between them.
In this article i will point out some of the major psychological and biological differences between men and women.
Major differences between men and women
1) Communication skills & body language The communication center inside a woman's brain is much larger than the communication center inside a man's brain. Women are generally better able to process words and to use language than men provided that all other factors are constant.Women pay special attention to words, read in between lines and can notice the body language of people along with their facial expressions in a much better way than men. (see also Understanding body language better)
2) Sharing vs problem solving: Men in general are more independent than women. They even prefer to solve their problems alone without talking about them. Women on the other hand become distressed if they didn't share their problems with their friends even if their friends weren't able to provide solutions. This is a famous point of conflict where a woman tells her man about a problem with the intention of sharing it with him then becomes surprised by the man's single line answer (which is intended to provide a solution to the problem). This is also the reason why women go to bathroom in groups, they just like to share the experience of the day together in a place where no man can watch them
3) Attraction and sex: The area inside the brain responsible for sexual desire is much bigger