|Explanations |Studies (A01/A02) |Key Points |
|Psychological | |AO1 |
| |Psychodynamic |Psychodynamic |
| |Freud (1924) …show more content…
| |Schielke et al (2000) |Delusions can appear as a result of lack of validation of initial experiences from friends and family, therefore fear of being lied |
| |Yellowlees et al (2002) |to/persecuted emerges |
| | |Behavioural |
| |Behavioural |Symptoms of schizophrenia can be seen as due to ‘faulty learning’ |
| |Liberman (1982) |Lack of reinforcement may cause the child to respond to inappropriate cues |
| |Roder et al (2002) |Behaviour therefore becomes ‘bizarre’