Beatrix Bengtson
June 9, 2014
Dr. Fred Previc
Psychological Testing
Psychological testing is the answer to many questions humans have about a manifold of issues. Testing will give a better view onto a problem, helps to solve issues, and reliably displays an array of information needed in everyday life. To dip a bit deeper into psychological testing the following text will attempt to graze upon some fundamental aspects of psychological testing, such as the major assumptions and fundamental questions, the definition of the term test, the categories of tests, and reliability and validity of tests.
Major Assumptions and Fundamental Questions In order to use tests there have to be assumptions to be made. These assumptions will clarify if tests are an important and useful tool in the measurement of human aspects. There are four major assumptions that need to be reckoned with. The assumptions are that people 1) have different traits and characteristics, which are 2) measurable, and 3) stable over time, and 4) that these traits and characteristics are part of people’s behavior (Hogan, 2007). The fundamental questions concerning tests include reliability and validity of the tests, which will be covered later in this text. Other questions are concerned about the interpretation of tests and the use of norms to yield correct interpretations (Hogan, 2007). Norms are the results of these tests, which had been administered to a large group of people (Hogan, 2007). Questions of how a test has been developed and which practical issues are at hand for a certain test will determine how reliable and valid a test may be (Hogan, 2007).
Definition of the Term Test For the definition of the term test according to Hogan (2007) there are six elements that combined will give an understanding of the term test. It has been concluded that a test is a process or a device to measure a particular aspect. Next, it is concluded that the