“The beginning of wisdom is to work to acquire it. At the cost of all you possess, strive to gain insight (PROVERBS 4:7).” We all have the wisdom as we are born in this world. Exercise on wisdom and working on it, produces a vast knowledge in which in that way, we could be wise. That is how wisdom could be acquired but the question is. Are we striving to acquire wisdom or are we striving to gain insights? That is the thing that we should mark on our mind. Others would say that they are not intelligent to answer a certain question. Maybe we could say that your intelligence is not enough to answer that question. Did God made a well-being that is not intelligent? All his creations consist of different capacity and capability. Just like the humans in which were given intelligence. Well, we all have intelligence as we are born in this world. The rate of our intelligence depends on how we enhance and make use of it. Intelligence refers to the ability of an individual to learn from experience, to reason well, and to cope with the demands of social living. It is also the ability to acquire, recall and use knowledge to understand concrete and abstract concepts, relations among objects and ideas, and to use knowledge in a meaningful way. In intelligence we consider that experiencing is really learning. There are many theories proposed by different proponents about intelligence. Each theory is composing of different statements which need to be internalized carefully. Some of these are, Francis Galton’s Theory of General Intelligence, Alfred Binet’s Theory of General Intelligence, Triarchic Theory of Intelligence, PASS Theory of Intelligence, Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligence, Piaget’s Theory of Intelligence, Hornard Cattell’s Two-Factor Theory of Intelligence, Spearman’s Theory of Intelligence and others. Suddenly, I came into a realization of what distinct type of intelligence do I have. In this matter, I can say that a person may acquire all of the distinct types of intelligence while others cannot, yet I believe that acquiring all of these or not, still makes me a unique individual with a unique capacity, ability, and most of all, a unique intelligence. I’ve got to remember my vision statement when I was in high school. I, Cecil B. Albores, foresee a will, to aim for the best, in accordance with my studies, respond to what is expected, to study best, to try best and to pray best in the name of God, for the better future and for the sake of my own to continue to pass to the right path, where I think and I am sure I am now. That is what my vision statement states. In my vision statement, I can sense my interest in making my rate of intelligence higher in order for me to be an effective and efficient individual someday. I believe that when you have the interest to gain information then you could acquire knowledge. In that way, you could acquire wisdom. That is how trending intelligence is. We all have intelligence given by our creator and he designed us to use it in a good way and not in a bad way. Are we using our intelligence properly? Is our way of using our intelligence benefited not only to ourselves but also to the society? Speaking about my own intelligence, I am not that genius, yet I am not an idiot. My intelligence lies in the middle of both genius and idiot. So, I can say that my intelligence is average. This is what I foresee to my own intelligence, yet I believe that this could be enhanced and improved as I go through life and as I encounter my day-to-day experiences. Our intelligence is ours and no one could steal it. “Better to have acquired wisdom rather than gold, discernment rather than silver (PROVERBS 16:16).”
By: Cecil B. Albores AB-English 1