Use this worksheet to take notes about the articles you find when researching for Week 2 Assignment 1: University Library Search. Fill out each section of the tables for Article 1 and Article 2. You can also save a blank copy of this worksheet and use it to properly cite your sources when you write research papers for your future courses.
Article 1:
|Career Explored |School Psychologist |
|Author | Gruevski, Dragan; Cvetkovska, Mirjana |
|Year published | 2012 |
|Title of article | |
|Title of Publication/Journal/ | Construction and Application of Instrument for Measurement of the Attitude Toward School |
|Magazine |Psychologists |
|Volume/month of publication (if |Vol.39 |
|available) | |
|Date you retrieved article from |01/27/13 |
|database | |
|Summary of article |This article is talking about how school officials determine the statuses of a school |
| |psychologist. The article explains a survey from a primary school in the Republic of |
| |Macedonia and how they have negative attitudes towards the Psychologist because of the lack|
| |of information, roles and statuses they have about the children. |
| | |
Article 2: |Career Explored |School Psychologist |
|Author | Perfect, Michelle, M; Morris, Richard, J |
|Year published | 2011 |
|Title of article | Delivering school-based mental health services by school psychologists: Education, |
| |training and ethical issues. |
|Title of Publication/Journal/ | Psychology in the Schools |
|Magazine | |
|Volume/month of publication (if |Vol. 39/Dec |
|available) | |
|Date you retrieved article from |01/27/13 |
|database | |
|Summary of article |This article in explaining how school psychologists with the right training can become |
| |leading mental health experts inside the school system. The article also explains the |
| |ethical reviews on professional practice that focus on the issues pertaining to the ethic |
| |codes from the National Association of School Psychologist and American Psychological |
| |Association in which both are part of mental health services. |
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