The psychoanalytic perspective speaks too how childhood and early development as well as unconscious thinking shape a person's personality. Sigmund Freud was that founder of psychoanalysis. Freud felt that humans behaved a certain way based on the preconscious, the conscious and the unconscious mind. He felt not only were the things we were aware of shaping our behavior but that their were inner forces that we weren’t aware of (unconscious mind) that controlled our behaviors even though we didn’t know they were there.
The humanistic perspective is based on the thoughts of human potential that people have freewill, the ability for psychological growth and self-awareness and that is what shapes their personality. (Cain, 2002). Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers were some of the most important people when it cam to the humanistic approach. Maslow’s and Rogers emphasized the need humans have to fulfill the goals to the best of their abilities. The humanistic perspective focuses on the theory that people behaved a certain way based on how they perceive their self. This