the future ahead. It is about knowing the result you want and being willing to make difficult choices to achieve that desired result. It takes a lot of effort , sacrifice and hardwork to reach your goal in life ... but with vision , you can think of many ways to be an aspired person you want to be. To me, vision is like a picture so uplifting that you can feel the piece of art flowing through your veins. In order to capture an outstanding image, you need to think the focus of a subject and the background comprising it. In life , each one of us has a subject and a background; it maybe our family and our home. The background of Vision is knowing where you come from and the good teachings of your experiences should be locked in your heart. The subject has to be the people that give you strength and inspire you the most. The help it does to man truly is an exquisite way because it involves his or her way of thinking for the future.
One of my visions in life is to finish my education. They say .. "Education is the key to success". It helps me reach my goal by giving me moral lessons in life and at the same time, i learn from my mistakes. This is all not possible without our one true God. I obtain power from His righteous living. The ever-growing strength in my spirit causes me to avoid evil. I open my heart to feel His approval and appreciation. This is my definition of