Psychoanalysis, originated by Sigmund Freud, with its elaborate theory on the structure of the mind and the role of unconscious processes in determining personality. Freud’s understanding of human personality was based on his experiences with patients, his analysis of his own dreams, and his vast readings in the various sciences and humanities. These experiences provided the basic data for the evolution of his theories. To him, theory followed observation, and his concept of personality underwent constant revisions during the last 50 years of his life. Evolutionary though it was, Freud insisted that psychoanalysis could not be subjected to eclecticism, and disciples who deviated from his basic ideas soon found themselves personally and professionally ostracized by Freud. Freud relied more on deductive reasoning than on rigorous research methods, and he made observations subjectively and on a relatively small sample of patients, most of whom were from the upper-middle and upper classes. He did not quantify his data, nor did he make observations under controlled conditions. He utilized the case study approach almost exclusively, typically formulating hypotheses after the facts of the case were known.
Regarding about the provinces of the mind, I somehow believe that id, ego, and superego exist. Since these three are unconscious, we are never aware that we already did something either according or against our will or of the external world’s expectations. There always comes a time when I am hesitated to do something because I am anxious that my decision or deed might go beyond the society’s expectations and feel guilty. Though, I still want to satisfy my craving. So then the ego takes its part. Like for example, my mother calls me via mobile just to check where I am, what time am I going home, whom I am with and asks many other questions. At the end of the conversation, she then