When you hear the name Marilyn Monroe you probably picture the sexually enticing, curvy, sex-goddess of the 1950’s. She grabbed our attention with her playful and feminine magnetism. “She dominated the age of movie stars to become, without question, the most famous woman of the 20th century.” (http://www.marilynmonroe.com/about/bio.html). Although most people don’t know that Marilyn Monroe was not always this happy and fortunate person. Marilyn Monroe’s life was filled with hardships and struggles that she overcame to be this powerful woman she is remembered as today. I believe that Structual-Organisimic Perspective; psychodynamic theory, psychosocial theory, and piagetian theory, greatly explains why Marilyn Monroe turned out to be the woman she is so fondly remembered as. Marilyn Monroe was born Norma Jeane Baker. Her childhood was filled with poverty, sexual abuse, and the constant moving in and out of orphanages and foster homes. She did not have a strong emotional relationship with either of her parents. According to Erikson’s psychosocial theory, Marilyn Monroe’s infancy stage was more than likely affected by the de-attachment from her parents. This is the reason why Monroe would later in life have a harder time trusting others around her because she never built that strong trust between her and her parents. Monroe suffered many emotional problems as an adult do to the fact that she never had a real stable childhood. This also led to her feelings of being unwanted as a child. Monroe’s mother was determined incapable of raising Monroe due to depression and psychological problems and was put into her first foster home. “Norma Jeane spent most of her childhood in and out of orphanages and foster homes.” (http://www.marilynmonroe.com/about/bio.html) According to the contemporary developmental psychology portion of the psychodynamic theory, Monroe’s lack of emotional attachment early on in her life,
Cited: Google ads. "The Legend Of Marilyn Monroe." Biography of Marilyn Monroe. 25 Mar. 2009 . CMG World Wide. "Marilyn Monroe." Marilyn Monroe Biography. Jan.-Feb. 2006. 25 Mar. 2009 . True History, Bio. "Marilyn Monroe." Marilyn Monroe Biography. Summer 2007. A&E Television. 25 Mar. 2009 .