A report submitted in the partial fulfilment of the course GS F232
Introductory Psychology
Prof in charge
Dr Rajneesh Choubisa
April 3, 2013
Submitted by:
Apurva Gupta 2011C7PS876P
Anshula Sharma 2011B5A3749P
The aim of this project is to study comparatively to what extent workers (agricultural and industrial) in India are dependent for maintaining their standard of living, with respect to changes in macroeconomic parameters.
In this study, we have focused on two groups—agricultural labourers and industrial labourers and the macroeconomic indicators are broadly classified into two categories—changes in food prices and changes in fuel prices (which contain fuel, power, lubricants and light).
Inferences and results were drawn out by running regressions on statistical data from 1975 onwards. The degree of correlation was useful in determining the dependency and testing the hypothesis.
Keywords: cost of living, macroeconomic indicators, industrial labourer, agricultural labourer
1. Acknowledgement 2. Introduction 3. Research Methods 4.1 Hypothesis 4. Analysis 5.2 For industrial workers 5.3 For Agricultural Labourers 5.4 Comparison between Industrial and Agricultural labourers 5. Conclusion 6. References
We take this opportunity to express our profound gratitude and deep regards to our guide, Dr. Rajneesh Choubisa for his exemplary guidance, monitoring and encouragement throughout this project.
We also take this opportunity to express a deep sense of gratitude to our Instructor-in-charge Prof .Tanu Shukla, for her cordial support, valuable information and guidance, which helped us in completing this project through various stages.
Thinkers have discussed the “good life” and the desirable society for Millennia .In the last decades,
References: There are three major approaches to determining the quality of life (Brock, 1993). * The first approach describes characteristics of the good life that are dictated by normative ideals based on a religious, philosophical, or other system