In this paper I will discuss the multitude of issues faced by clinicians in assessing and diagnosing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). I will attempt to explore the many factors which influence the occurrence and manifestation of PTSD. I will critically discuss this question by exploring the nature of anxiety, the relationship between anxiety and PTSD, how PTSD is influenced by different life-stages, cultural influences impacting on PTSD, the nature of traumatic events and how this differs for war veterans and children exposed to violence. Finally, I will explore the difficulties in differentiating PTSD and other pre-morbid and co-morbid psychological disorders.
The Nature of Anxiety
Epstein (cited in Dobson, 1985, p. 308) noted that “anxiety may eventuate from the perception of threat; threats to future happiness, threats to self-esteem, and threats to the individual’s ability to make sense of the data of his experience.”
Anxiety describes the physical, mental and behavioural changes that allow you to deal with threat or danger. Any threats that occur in everyday life cause a series of changes to occur automatically in the body, preparing it for fight- or- flight. This fight or flight response is associated with physical and mental changes.
The experience of anxiety is normal and moderate levels of anxiety can improve performance and assist individuals to function optimally. However, when anxiety becomes severe it is not helpful and can eradicate our capacity to absorb new information, plan an appropriate response and carry out activities. Anxiety is a common feature in anxiety disorders as well as in many other psychological disorders.
In terms of the literature on anxiety in children, Mashe and Wolfe (2010) observed that all children experience anxiety, worry & fear as a normal part of growing up and this may be common and age appropriate. However when it becomes excessive and
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