• Analyse the different ways in which you establish ground rules with your learners. • Justify how the ground rules underpin appropriate behaviour and respect for others. • Evaluate and justify the types of resources that you have available to meet the potential needs of your learners. • Identify any other organisations which may be used as a referral point to meet the potential needs of the learners and review the benefits of these.
Ground rules should be agreed mutually between teachers and students. They set the base in which both teacher and student will conduct themselves throughout the course to the benefit of all within the group. By setting the ground at the beginning of the course I will have informed students of the expectations of the group from the onset. This will then create and maintain a comfortable learning environment. There will be rules of facility such as fire procedures, toilets, smoking areas, refreshments, breaks. Some ground rules will be needed to be imposed such as following health and safety regulation, anti social behaviour, punctuality, respecting others beliefs and views. Other ground rules can be negotiated such as switching off mobile phones, standards of dress, amount of time taken during breaks and no eating or drinking during lessons.
When ground rules are set and agreed this will inform students of the expected levels of behaviour towards the whole group. Mutual respect amongst students will aid continuity to the lesson as there should be few interruptions. By restricting the use of mobiles phones as not to disturb other students and disrupt the flow of the lesson. Students who follow the rules are showing respect towards the group and if any student breaks a ground rule may find that their peers may reprimand them before the teacher has to.
Healthy boundaries for teachers would include professional values, rights and