In my future job I will be teaching basic literacy and numeracy skills using ICT. There are normally 15 students to a room sitting at a computer desk with headphones and a computer with keyboard. Basic health and safety is discussed at the induction session detailing emergency exits and the alarm that can be expected in the event of a fire.
Ground rules are also discussed which state clearly that no food or drink is to be taken into the main classrooms and all mobile phones must be switched off. According to the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, under the duties of employers: ‘All working practices must be safe; The work environment must be safe and healthy; All plant and machinery must be kept to a minimum; Safety policies must be stated to all staff.
The reasons behind these ground rules are explored for example, if drinks are taken into the training classroom they could become a hazard if they were spilt over a computer keyboard or over another learner. Mobile phones can be very disruptive if they go off in the training classroom as they will disturb the other learners who despite the earphones will be able to hear the ring tones.
Minton (1991) also states that ‘As a teacher your responsibility for the safety of your students is a legal requirement’. This legal requirement extends to the safeguarding from suspected abuse young people or vulnerable adults and the abuse covered is physical, sexual, emotional, bullying, discrimination and neglect, which all form a part of both the Sex Discrimination Act 1975 and the Race Relations Act 2006. Wherever people gather in groups they can be vulnerable to discrimination.
The computer programmes themselves are published with copyright protection under the ‘Data Protections Act 1998’ and all programmes can only be run
References: Handout Notes Session 2 - 1/10/10/ Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 Sex Discrimination Act 1975 Race Relations Act 1976 Disability Discrimination Act 2005 Data Protection Act 1988 Equal Opportunities Act 2006 Debra Clarke PTLLS Assignment 2