Summarise the key aspects of current legislative requirements and codes of practice relevant to your subject and the type of organisation within which you work.
‘It is essential as a Trainer within the third sector that I am fully aware of the current legislative requirements and codes of practice, as this will undoubtedly have an impact on my training delivery, and the way that I develop the lessons.
Moreover, the fact that I must adhere to legislative requirements will affect how I interact and communicate with learners.’
Relevant legislation * AALA * CRB * HSE * NGB Guidelines * Work employees handbook * Client Policies * SinX Equality Bill * Data protection
As an instructor and teacher within the outdoor education and learning sector, it is important that I remain aware of and comply with all current legislation, best practice, and law. If I fail to do this there is a risk of invalidating my insurance, and I will not be able to ensure that my clients and learners are having the safest, most enjoyable learning experience that I can offer. The Adventure Activities Licensing Authority website (Health and Safety Executive, 2011) states that “Adventure activities licensing ensures that activity providers follow good safety management practices. These should allow young people to experience exciting and stimulating activities outdoors without being exposed to avoidable risks of death or disabling injury.” As an activity provider, we must abide by their legislation and guidelines. The AALA is a part of the Health and Safety Executive, and when dealing with adult learners we must abide by their guidelines and rulings. As a part of this, we must abide by the Reporting of Injuries, Disease, and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (1995). The HSE website (Health and Safety Executive, 2011) states that “RIDDOR puts duties on employers, the self-employed and people in control of work premises (the