Honors Literature Review/Thesis
Laurel K. Fauster
Thesis Chair Jerry Bruce
Sam Houston State University
Author Note Laurel K. Fauster, Department of Psychology, Sam Houston State University. Thesis Chair Dr. Jerry Bruce, Department of Psychology, Sam Houston State University. Correspondence concerning this paper should be addressed to Laurel K. Fauster, Department of Psychology, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, Texas 77341-2447.
This study sought to find an effect between intelligence level and post-traumatic stress disorder. A literature review was conducted to ascertain what researchers have discovered regarding the effect of intelligence level on post-traumatic stress disorder, as well as to provide a general overview on post-traumatic stress disorder, intelligence, and the possible link between these two variables. Face to face observation of post-traumatic stress disorder support groups, as well as informal interviews were also included to further support this study’s content. This study has implications for researchers in the areas of intelligence and post-traumatic stress disorder, clinicians, therapists, military operations, palliative care, research in victimology and abuse, as well as social science and other research interests.
Keywords: Post-traumatic stress disorder, Intelligence, PTSD, IQ, Risk factors.
Precis This paper began years ago when, as a police officer, and later as an instructor in the private sector working with military special forces units, I came into contact with sufferers of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and began to wonder how best to help them. During independent study of the subject I sought to understand the signs and symptoms, as well as the risk factors for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Being that police officers are frequent sufferers of this disorder, and that many more are also former military veterans, it was
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