FOR WHOM IS PHILIPPINE PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION?*Professor and Dean, National College of Public Administration and Governance(NCPAG), University of the Philippines Diliman, and University Researcher (NCPAG)and former instructor of Saint Paul University Philippines, respectively.The assistance of Kate Asilo in the preparation of this article and of PaulynBautista (with her insights and contribution in developing the section on GawadKalinga) is gratefully acknowledged. Philippine Journal of Public Administration, Vol. LII Nos. 2-4 (April- October 2008)
Is There A Philippine Public Administration? Or Better Still, For Whom
Is Philippine Public Administration? A
B. B
, J
T. F
* This article traces the evolution of public administration,suggesting that there are only two major phases: traditional andmodern. The fields of public administration are discussedtaking cognizance of the many other emerging fields goingbeyond its traditional fields, namely, voluntary sectormanagement and information technology. Selected majorongoing concerns of public administration which includereorganization, decentralization and corruption in the Philippines are also considered. The article also brieflydiscusses an example of what is now taken as an emergingillustration of a home-grown governance paradigm, the "Gawad Kalinga" as illustrative of a successful partnership andcooperation between government, business and civil society inthe delivery of basic services, which after all is a core concern of modern public administration and good governance. The article ends by raising third order concerns and challenges as it tries toaddress the question, “For whom is Philippine publicadministration?”
Is there a Philippine public administration? A number of colleagueswonder why the same question is again asked when the National Collegeof Public Administration and Governance (NCPAG) is planning a publiccolloquium for the