The movie begins in 1933, as Johnnie is being brought into Indian State Penitentiary, Michigan City, Indiana. He then escapes prison with gang members already in the prison and they are heading to Chicago. While this is happening Pretty Boy Floyd is running from, Melvin Purvis, and gets shot by Floyd and dies. The group of gangsters get some cars and rob a Chicago bank. Then the movie heads to the Senate, where J. Edgar Hoover is making his case to create the …show more content…
John goes to talk to Gilbert. Purvis is told to get any known associates of Dillinger’s gang and interrogate them. They go to rob a bank and get into a firefight, a member of the gang dies. They rest at a hotel but the Bureau gets wind of where they are staying and go up to arrest Dillinger. When they get up there they get into a firefight with Dillinger and other members of the gang. Dillinger and Red get out the back, Red gets shot on the way to the car. Nelson also gets away by killing an agent. Nelson and other gang members get into a car chase and the gang men get into a wreck. Dillinger tries to patch Red up, but Red dies. Agents are still watching Billie. Billie and another woman in her building switch so Billie can get out. Johnnie picks up Billie. Congress passes the first national crime bill, which makes interstate crime a federal offense. John and Billie plan to escape somewhere after a big job. Billie is taken into custody at a bar. John almost risks his freedom to get back Billie but doesn't chance it. Billie gives them a fake address. Billie gets a note to John telling him not to try to break her out. The Bureau has found out two places John might be at, from a woman. They plan to bust him. Johnnie literally walks into