1. What patterns did you observe relative to the proximate causes of the country’s critical development constraints?
In this session, several developmental constraints were stated such as tight public fiscal situation, inadequate infrastructure, weak investor confidence, market failures and vulnerability. The country today is one of the disaster prone countries in Asia. Climate change is unpredictable and almost every part of the country is vulnerable to natural calamities. Destruction due to this disaster largely influences the outcome of investments in the country. Political instability is one of the reasons influencing the confidence of investors. Corruption became rampant in the country. As I have read in the articles, corruption discourages investment in the sense that the investors pay taxes which goes to corrupt officials. We also have poor prioritization of construction of farm to market roads that limits investment in potential areas. Long transport time of these goods decrease the income generated from these investments.
2. What challenges and gaps continue to deter the country’s rise as one of Asia’s newest economic tigers?
• Decrease and stagnation of per capita income
• Inequality of opportunities – for instance in literacy rate, high number of human resource but they opt to work for other countries, market opportunities, technological challenges
• High debt-GDP ratios
• Natural disasters
• Corruption
• Poor infrastructure
• Poor quality of public institutions
3. In the health sector, why do we continue to underperform compared to our Asian neighbours?
• Not fully covered with universal health care
• Human resources opt to work abroad
• Poor technological advances
• Poor LGU support to primary health care
4. What strategic priorities and measures should the nation address to turn-around the health sector?
• Strict implementation of universal health care
• Prioritize health programs
• Bring health services