In fact, the National Health Service (NHS) began in England in 1948, providing free high quality of health care for the whole country. It has been improved so much in the sense that, before its creation, the delivery of health care was accessible only to the men who were working and contributing National Insurance (Fraser, 2003). Women and children and the mentally ill were vulnerable, they were not qualified for free health care services as promulgated by Lloyd George’s legislation of 1911 (Leathard, 1990). In the same way, it should be notice that the arrival of the NHS has led to this new system that professionals, doctors, nurses, pharmacists, opticians and dentists worked, merged and provide health care for the benefit of all. Following to that, the main idea in which NHS was established recommend that, the service should be for free during the delivery, depending on individual needs rather than affordability. It had to be universal, for example, offer the same quality of care across the country (Fraser, 1973). It follows that , from its birth, growth, until now, the NHS by successive governments has had several different reforms have attempted to solve the problems of centralised health services and improve the quality of duties. With reference to the above point, one of the reform among them contain; the implementation of Primary Trust, NFS, Creation of Clinical governance conducted by new labour in the year of 1997.
However, despite the efforts of