April 5, 2013
Deborah Nallo MSN, CRNP
The Public Health Professional Community oriented nursing has been in practice since before the turn of the 20th century, working behind the scenes for the betterment of society. Nursing professionals have dedicated themselves to protecting and promoting the health of the individuals in their communities and preventing the incidence and progression of disease (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2012). Despite concerted efforts by the government, the cost of healthcare is rising. Unfortunately, the expected increase in the perceived quality of life does not accompany the increase in cost. In an effort to decrease ever rising healthcare costs, health care reform has come to fruition. Shifting care of the patient back to the community, preventing disease and improved coordination of care have been identified as having the greatest potential to decrease cost (2012). The public health professional has the opportunity to step up and truly impact the lives of many through prevention strategies, collaborative practice and policy development. Public health nurses make up the largest professional element of the public health labor force; they recognize the environment as a broad determinant of health and wellness (Polivka, 2012). Environmental discord has been identified as a significant contributor to the increased incidence and progression of disease (Nweke et al, 2011). Implementation of policies and programs to enhance a community’s physical environment is a principal responsibility of a public health nurse (2012). Environmental Health In Neighborhood News, episode 3, the community lake’s pollutant level has reached a critical level. Members of the community are unable to enjoy the recreational activities, but more importantly, the community’s water quality is compromised. This constitutes a public health issue and requires a population focused solution.
References: Blewett, L. A., Ziegenfuss, J., & Davern, M. E. (2008). Local Access to Care Programs (LACPs): New Developments in the Access to Care for the Uninsured. The Milbank Quarterly, 86(3), 459-479. Cogan, J. (2011). The Affordable Care Act 's Preventive Services Mandate: Breaking Down the Barriers to Nationwide Access to Preventive Services. Journal Of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 39(3), 355-365. doi:10.1111/j.1748-720X.2011.00605.x. Kullgren, J. T., McLaughlin, C. G., Mitra, N., & Armstrong, K. (2012). Nonfinancial Barriers and Access to Care for U.S. Adults. Health Services Research, 47(1pt2), 462-485. doi:10.1111/j.1475-6773.2011.01308.x. Nweke, O. C., & Lee, C. (2011). Achieving Environmental Justice: Perspectives on the Path Forward Through Collective Action to Eliminate Health Disparities. American Journal Of Public Health, S6-8. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2011.300377. Shi, L., & Stevens, G. D. (2005). Disparities in Access to Care and Satisfaction among U.S. Children: The Roles of Race/Ethnicity and Poverty Status. Public Health Reports, 120(4), 431-441. Nweke, O. C., Payne-Sturges, D., Garcia, L., Lee, C., Zenick, H., Grevatt, P., & ... Dankwa-Mullan, I. (2011). Symposium on Integrating the Science of Environmental Justice into Decision-Making at the Environmental Protection Agency: An Overview. American Journal Of Public Health, S19-26. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2011.300368. Payne-Sturges, D. (2011). Humanizing Science at the US Environmental Protection Agency. American Journal of Public Health. pp. S8-S12. . Polivka, B., Chaudry, R., & Mac Crawford, J. (2012). Public health nurses ' knowledge and attitudes regarding climate change. Environmental Health Perspectives, 120(3), 321-325. US Department of Health and Human Services. (n.d.). What 's changing and when. Retrieved from