Public Policing versus Private Security Comparison
Maria Perham
University of Phoenix
April 15, 2011
Public Policing Versus Private Security Comparison
In the policing field are two paths for individuals to choose from public policing and private security. Both paths have many similarities and significant differences in each one’s roles and responsibilities. Private security and public policing both have similar histories, goals, and training. The differences within these similarities are what make private security and private policing unique and successful, in each one’s own way. The way that each private security and private policing has differences in the way, each functions with leadership. With all the differences in private security and public policing the way that the two organizations interact with each other the roles that each play in the criminal justice system are different. The two paths are separate; the policies in which are implemented are different for each path and will affect the two paths functionality different. Although each path is similar and has its differences each path should practice a comprehensive security plan in all key components.
Public policing and private security have many similarities and overlap in responsibilities in many ways. Both agencies have little similarities such as employing both men and women, both employ the use of uniforms, which allow the public to know who are the guards and officers (Hartman, 2010). Public policing and private security agencies both employee new recruits from the criminal justice programs of schools (Hartman, 2010). “Where it is permitted by law, private security workers may even carry guns and make arrests, just like police officers” (Hartman, 2010, para 3). The most notable similarity between the public police and private security is that both agencies are responsible for keeping the laws,
References: Adam, W. (2011). Private Security vs. Public Police. Retrieved on April 11, 2011 from ASIS (2011). About ASIS. Retrieved on April 11, 2011 from City of Minneapolis (2011). Rank Structure. Retrieved on April 12, 2011 from Cochrun, C. (2011). What are the Differences between Private and Public Sector Security? Retrieved on April 11, 2011 from Hartman, D. (2010). Private Security vs. Police. Retrieved on April 15, 2011 from Li, G. (2008). Private Security and Public Policing. Retrieved on April 11, 2011 from Oregon Patrol Service (2008). Rank Structure. Retrieved on April 11, 2011 from Ortmeier, P. J. (2009). Introduction to security: Operations and management (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall. Swol, K. (1999). Private Security and Public Policing. Retrieved on April 12, 2011 from