The public policy process involves the procedure of the government in crafting the rules to be implemented and guidelines to address a prevailing problem or situation in the society through coordination with different authorities in the government from the legislative branch, executive branch and may include non-governmental organizations and eventually goes through enactment in the Congress or through the issuances of executive order by the head of state.
Based on the explanation of Ma’am Mendoza in the course module, Public Policy Process involves activities that are carried out by the government, from: problem identification, agenda setting, search and analysis of ways to solve the problem, deciding on the best choice, policy implementation and policy monitoring and evaluation.
An example of public policy process is the case of Motorcycle Helmet Act of 2010. Due to the prevailing issue of motorcycle-related incidents in the country which increased due to motorcycle popularity among Filipinos, a number of people chose motorcycles as their means of transportation or vehicle for going to work, school and even from transporting their kids to school to buying their food and other needs for everyday consumption. People preferred this type of transportation rather than commuting via public transportations or using their own cars due to its convenience and costs fewer pesos to buy gasoline for its small motor but highly efficient vehicle. In
References: Introduction to Public Policy and Program Administration by Ma. Fe Villamejor-Mendoza Congress of the Philippine’s RA10054, RA4136, RA5448