The United States government is the largest single purchaser of goods and services in the world. Even during times of economic hardship, the US continues to dump billions into the private sector. The federal procurement spending rate of growth has surpassed the rate of U.S. inflation every year, since 2000. With annual federal procurement budgets of more than $400 billion, it is no surprise that the competition for government contracts has increased tremendously. Consequently, more and more companies are trying to get a piece of the action. When these companies adhere to all of the required regulations and statutes, they expect their proposals to be evaluated and the contract awarded in a fair and unbiased manner (Nacke & Ralston 2011).…
Determine how government procurement officers can balance getting a good price with getting an effective result – in other words, best value.…
Conduct Procurements: This is simply the process of getting and obtaining all the sellers responses and selecting the best one that the best could help our project. Here the contract is being awarded as well.…
This paper will explore how Sealed Bidding and Competitive proposals compare against each other. In order to compare them one must understand how, when and why each topic is used. The primary source of federal procurement information and guidance is the Federal Acquisition Regulation, which consists of Parts 1-53 of Title 48 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). FAR parts 14 and 15 explains in full detail Sealed Bidding and Competitive Proposals. This paper like the federal government will rely heavily on the FAR as a source document to help explain the details of this topic.…
The needs of a project must be carefully identified, sourced and acquired to have a successful procurement process. Procurement planning is essential to the overall success of a project. It involves identifying the materials and services, finding the suppliers, and properly documenting the transactions.…
Procurement, by definition, is a collaboration of merging activities which ultimately lead to something or a service being acquired. (City of London, What is Procurement [online], available from [Accessed 12/1/2011]. In construction terms this refers to the systematic approach, or route in which an idea or thought can break into reality and be built. It is best looked at as a complex strategy to manage clients/developers, architects, contractors, and sub-contractors, to name a few, into the most efficient way, or more specifically, risk free way to complete a build on time and on budget.…
As Russell Menere, National Procurement Manager, I recommend to pursue a cost effective e-Procurement system, which would integrate with the various legacy information technology systems currently in place. The e-Procurement tool should simplify the processes across the different divisions and support the multiple suppliers.…
5) Quality Assurance – No clear quality control plan was required in the contract. No agency approvals were contained in the contract terms which precluded the contractor from starting a new phase of the project. No acceptance testing procedures were included. The terms for quality control and acceptable performance are very vague.…
It is a way of assessing needs, planning and prioritising, purchasing and monitoring health services, wanting to get the best health outcomes. Procurement is a function of acquiring or buying a service or acquiring goods and agreeing how it will be delivered. It is a key component of the commissioning process. Services are likely to be procured in advance so they will be available when needed…
Procurement is the complete process or action of acquiring or obtaining material, property, or services at the operational level, such as purchasing, contracting, and negotiating directly with the source of supply. Procuring goods and services is a larger process than just the label price of wine; the process to buy those items includes major organizational costs, often accounting for half of the product price. When allowing for the vast number of purchases Mondavi makes in a year, it is easy to see how these costs can spiral out of control without careful management.…
The purpose of government contracting is to facilitate business transactions between different companies, big or small, with government agencies in order to meet the needs of the government. Contracting is the main way a government operates and public money is spent. Thus, contracts are the main channels for implementing public policy, which makes stopping and controlling corruption in procurement a determining factor in policy and project efficiency.…
“What is this class about,” I thought to myself when I first registered for the Intro to Acquisition and Contract Management Class. Once I attended the class, I quickly realized that Government contracting is a big deal, because this is how the Government procures their goods and services. The U.S. federal government is the leading consumer of goods and services in the world, awarding Billions in contracts every year. There are rules and regulations mandated by Congress that have to be followed when procuring goods and services for the government. The guiding authority used for the acquisition process is called the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR). There are also supplemental regulations used depending on the Federal Agency. Two examples…
Case Studies on E-procurement Implementations Italy New South Wales New Zealand Scotland Western Australia Case Studies on E-procurement Implementations Italy New South Wales New Zealand Scotland Western Australia © Commonwealth of Australia 2005 ISBN 1 74082 091 6 ISBN 1 74082 092 4 This work is copyright. Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced by an process without the prior written permission from the Commonwealth. Requests and enquiries concerning reproduction and rights in this publication should be addressed to: Commonwealth Copyright Administration Attorney-General’s Department Robert Garran Offices National Circuit Canberra ACT 2600 Contents 1 Overview Report 1 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Objectives 1 1.3 Methodology 2 1.4 Summary of Key Learnings 2 1.5 Conclusion 8 2 E-procurement in Italy 2.1 Introduction 10 9 2.2 E-readiness 10 2.3 E-intensity 12 2.4 E-impact 16 2.5 Conclusion 17 3 E-procurement in New South Wales 19 3.1 Introduction 20 3.2 E-readiness 20 3.3 E-intensity 23 3.4 E-impact 25 3.5 Conclusion 26 4 E-procurement in New Zealand 27 4.1 Introduction 28 4.2 E-readiness 28 4.3 E-intensity 30 4.4 E-impact 33 4.5 Conclusion 35 5 E-procurement in Scotland 37 5.1 Introduction 38 5.2 E-readiness 38 5.3 E-intensity 41 5.4 E-impact 44 5.5 Conclusion 45 6 E-procurement in Western Australia 47 6.1 Introduction 48 6.2 E-readiness 49 6.3 E-intensity 50 6.4 E-impact 54 6.5 Conclusion 57 1 Overview Report 1.1 Introduction Information about the potential benefits of e-procurement is plentiful while details on the impacts and consequences of e-procurement implementations…
As previously stated within the Abstract section of this paper, the question, “Does Business and Ethics Still Exist?” has generally caused honest business owners and also government agencies to ponder this notion. Even though the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) is established in order to prevent unethical practices by contractors and government agencies failing to abide by this regulation, does not mean everyone it pertains to will adhere? The Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), is the principal set of rules in the Federal Acquisition Regulation System. This system consists of sets of regulations issued by agencies of the Federal government of the United States to govern what is called the "acquisition process"; this is the process through which the government purchases ("acquires") goods and services. That process consists of three phases: (1) need recognition and acquisition planning, (2) contract formation, and (3) contract administration. The FAR System regulates the activities of government personnel in carrying out that process. It does not regulate the purchasing…
The RA 9184 advocates the principles of transparency, competitiveness, and accountability. It mandates the use of streamlined processes of procurement and monitoring of government procurement activities by the general public. This GPRA created the Government Procurement Policy Board (GPPB), making it the central policy and monitoring body. Its functions are to protect the national interest in all matters that affect public procurement, having due regard to the country’s obligations to the region and to the nation for that matter, to formulate and amend, whenever necessary, the implementing rules and regulations and the corresponding standard forms for procurement, to ensure that Procuring Entities regularly conduct procurement training programs and prepare a Procurement Operations Manual for all offices and agencies and to conduct annual reviews of the effectiveness of the GPRA and recommend any amendments when necessary. The GPBB acts as the oversight authority in all procurements of the government monitoring every single transaction thereto. The Secretary of the Department of Budget and Management heads the GPBB acting as the Chairman while the Director-General of the…