Professor: Blake Escudier
Assignment 6: Public Relations
Magida Taracena Andonie
Public relations is “the profession or practice of creating and maintaining goodwill of an organization's various publics (customers, employees, investors, suppliers, etc.), usually through publicity and other nonpaid forms of communication” (Business Dictionary). Now a day almost every business counts with a public relations department. Public relations not only keep the business image but also serve as a way of communicating messages to the public. “Public relations strategists will work with top executives in the organization to craft an overview of how the company wants to be perceived, and how it is going to project a positive image” (Winston). This means that they need to focus ion transmitting the right message, and deciding how they are going to transmit the message across. Public Relations often use the media as a way of delivering the messages to the public. “Public relations professionals field questions from reporters, arrange for interviews with key individuals in the organization and write press releases to make the media aware of company events or achievements” (Winston). One of the primary purposes of public relations is to enhance the business good use of social media in order to build a positive image. This includes the management of Face book, twitter, or YouTube account as media channel that can help them to connect better with the customers. One of the most successful public relations campaigns has been from Dove, which was the Dove Campaign for Real Beauty. “Its campaign for real beauty challenged people to hold classes with young girls in their communities and provided resources for non-profits and schools” (Marketing). Dove also used public relations in there the famous Tick Box and the video Dove Real Beauty Sketches. “In