
Public Speaking

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Public Speaking

When speaking in public, how do yo make good first impression?

When speaking in public, making a good first impression is very important, and you can do so in many ways. First, you should be interesting. Catch the audience’s attention in a good way by introducing your topic with something other than “mine’s about”.
While public speaking, how do you remain calm and in control? Remaining calm while speaking in public can be very difficult; however there are many ways to calm your nerves. Practicing, your speech, meditating, and forgetting about stumbles are all ways to help you control your nerves. 3.How should technology and slideshows be used?
Slideshows and technology are very important, and can easily engage the audience when properly used. To properly use slideshows and technology, you should make sure that it relates to your topic. It should also be very organized. Slides should be orderly , and formatted in an organized fashion. However, they should not be boring. They must be appealing to the eye ( no clashing colors, little text, pictures, etc.) 4.
What is a good strategy for eye contact? (Especially when you are using a slide­set)? Looking at people’s foreheads is always a good strategy. Though it is not making eye contact, nobody can tell except for you. Memorizing your slide­set and having notes is a good way to avoid staring at your slides. REMEMBER THE FEEDBACK IS IN THE EYES 5.
What should you eat before presenting in front of a group?
Before presenting, you should eat a small, but healthy item. You should consume many fruits and vegetables so that you are energetic. You don’t want to be projecting gross pizza breath throughout the room. 6.
What are the Internet recommendations on rehearsal and practice?
The internet recommends that you go over your points many times in your head, practice in the mirror, and practice in front of family and friends. 7. Is how you dress important?
The way you dress

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