TOPIC: Sex education
SPECIFIC PURPOSE: I want my audience to know and understand everything about sex education and its implications
Attention getters:
• I can remember the first time I had “the talk” with my parents.
• How many people have ever had “the talk” with their parents?
• What comes to your mind when you hear the word sex?
• Thesis statement: sex education should be about giving a girl or boy the tools or having the courage to say "no", and ultimately "yes" when the time is right.
Audience adaptation and credibility statement:
• Why is the topic important to them?
• Why I am someone they should listen to?
Preview of the main points:
• Firstly I will inform you about how your body changes as a teenager.
• secondly I will talk to you about teen pregnancy
• thirdly I’ll introduce you to abstinence
• fourthly I will introduce you to healthy boy-girl relationship
• Lastly I would inform you about your environment, the things you watch and read also explaining the type of people you consider as role models e.g. celebrities
• Conclusion
(First let me explain how your body changes in relation to sex education)
1. Between the ages of 10-14 most boys and girls begin to notice changes in their bodies
A. Boys: voice gets deeper, muscles develops, hair grows on the face, chest and face
B. As a boy progresses through the stages of puberty, he will also start to have erections and he may have wet dreams.
Girls: grow taller, body shape changes, breast grows, hips grow wider.
C. Sexual feelings during puberty, sexual attitude and behavior
• It isn’t just the body that changes during puberty; our feelings can change too
• Girls tend to feel sexual urges
• Boys have an erection
D. Masturbation: NO! NO! NO!
• Due to sexual feelings caused in puberty some teens might result to Masturbation
• Masturbation in simple terms is touching the genitals to get