ENG 102 007
Thomas Holmes
Hub City Transit Development With a population of 50,000 plus residents, Hattiesburg is seen as the fifth largest city in the state of Mississippi. It is also known as, “Hub City of the South” and is home to The University of Southern Mississippi, William Carey University, Antonelli College, Pearl River Community College, and Healing Touch School of Massage Therapy. This population in itself consists of 24,355 college students which is not including the hundreds of faculty and staff members hired to assist. Although Hattiesburg is mostly looked upon as a college town, it holds a number of family businesses and has numerous amounts of agricultural land. Locals (from Petal, Brookhaven, Jackson, Gulf Port) and even natives of New Orleans come to visit on a regular basis. The city of Hattiesburg is continuously expanding and many new innovative means have been created with its development for advancement. However, the city lacks an important element that can help make any town more modernized, which is an effective public transportation system. Public transportation systems are said to be for a means of helping people make their daily lives easier at a low cost. Not only do these systems provide convenience to people in urban areas they also are designed to reduce the traffic congestion, or at least not increase the rate at which it already is. These benefits all sound great for advancing the productivity of Americans, however, when a person thinks about public transportation they automatically think that it is a way of helping everyone. But this is not true. Professor at University of Wisconsin Green Bay, Steven Dutch, says, “the mass transit really didn 't save much time, especially counting waiting time at both ends and the transfer from bus to subway. And it was impossible to do anything productive riding mass transit. Plus there was no privacy or peace and quiet” (Why Don 't People Use Mass Transit). This is to say that
Cited: Bramwell, Bill, and Bernard Lane. Rural Tourism and Sustainable Rural Development: Proceedings of the Second International School On Rural. Development, 28 June-9 July 1993, University College Galway, Ireland. Clevedon, Avon, England: Channel View Publications, 1994. eBook. Collection. Web. 23 Oct 2014. Dutch, Steven. “Why Don 't People Use Mass Transit?” N.p. 2 June 2010. Web. 23 Oct 2014. Glaeser, Edward L., Matthew E. Kahn, and Jordan Rappaport. Why do the poor live in cities? The role of public transportation. Journal of Urban Economics 63, no. 1: 1-24. 2008. Print. Jack, Leonard Jr. Prev Chronic Dis. 2007 July; 4(3): A71. Web. 23 October 2014. “Poverty.” 1 Def. Oxford Dictionaries. Oxford, 2014. Web. 23 Oct 2014. “Public transportation.” 1 Def. Oxford Dictionaries. Oxford, 2014. Web. 23 Oct 2014. "Public Transit Has A Serious Image What Can Be Done To Imorove This And Attract Choice Riders" 21 April 2008. Web. 13 November. 2014 Wish, Naomi Bailin. Improving Policy Making in Public Transportation. Public Administration Review, Vol 42, No. 6 (Nov-Dec, 1982) pp. 530-545 Zimmerman, Joseph F. Proceedings of the Academy of Political Science, Vol. 31, No. 3, Governing New York State: The Rockefeller Years (May, 1974), pp. 214-224.