Public V Private Schools
Public vs Private Schools The cornerstone of individual development, education proves to be one of the most important factors in a child’s life! Unfortunately for parents, this choice is pivotal and evaluating schools becomes complex and tedious, as well as crucial to the future of their children. Parents must weigh all the factors when deciding where to send their child for their education. A comparison and contrast between public and private schools is a basic to this sometimes-insurmountable task. The academic and extra curricular activities offered in both schools can also be a deciding factor when trying to balance a child’s education. Attending a public or a private school has many similarities, but the way of life varies tremendously; therefore, one should examine the atmosphere, freedoms, structure and religious/non-religious aspects of both. Choosing a school is something to examine carefully, breaking down the points of each type of school. Private and public schools are vastly different, but have some common means. First, both schools have common degrees one can achieve. To obtain these degrees, a student must have a certain number of credits, and both these schools have to abide by this structure. Next, both have common honors classes. In order to be placed in these classes, students must maintain a certain of high GPA. If a new student is transferring or moving into a school, the student must be placed in a grade level somehow. “Both private and public schools use some kind of testing and review transcripts to determine the grade level of a student,” (Kennedy). Another similarity is that both types of schools have regulations. Whether public or private, all schools have some type of rules and punishment for misbehavior. Although private schools do not have to be accredited, to ensure enrollment and fees for education at their institutions, most schools usually choose to be! Parents have to see the value in a paid education, and to pay the tuition
Cited: Kennedy, Robert. "Comparison of Private and Public Schools." Private Schools. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Dec. 2012.
"Private versus Public." GreatSchools. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Dec. 2012. <>
"State Policies on Sex Education in Schools." State Policies on Sex Education in Schools. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Dec. 2012. <>