H. Wayne Huizenga School of Business & Entrepreneurship Assignment for Course: | MKT 5017-Delivering Superior Customer Value: | Submitted to: | | Submitted by: | Fabiola Jean-Louis | | | | | | |
Date of Submission: October 10, 2012
Title of Assignment: Publix case Study
CERTIFICATION OF AUTHORSHIP: I certify that I am the author of this paper and that any assistance I received in its preparation is fully acknowledged and disclosed in the paper. I have also cited any sources from which I used data, ideas or words, either quoted directly or paraphrased. I also certify that this paper was prepared by me specifically for this course.
Student Signatures: Fabiola Jean-Louis
Instructor's Grade on Assignment:
Instructor's Comments:
1) Identify the relevant macroeconomic factors (level 1). What impact do these issues have on the focal organization? Relevant macroeconomic factors include environmental influences in which an organization may not have much control over. Although a company may not have control over these factors, they still affect the company tremendously and impact how the company plans for its future. The macroeconomic factors facing Publix are as follows:
Legal/ Political Factors Employee and customer safety are highly valued at the Publix organization. In fact, Publix ensures that all of its employees are well trained on how to handle and behave during hazardous situations. Publix is proactive in preventing theft. In fact, the company does analysis on which items are more/ less prone to theft and makes the changes necessary to protect these items from being stolen. This list of items changes from region to region and even from store to store. The items on the "theft-prone" list are locked up for safe keeping. It is essential that Publix continue to take the necessary actions to