Directed by Quentin Tarantino, Pulp Fiction (1994) follows the stories of four groups of people associated with the mob, led by Marsellus Wallace (Ving Rhames), and their struggles with faith, loyalty, and morality. As Jules Winnfield (Samuel L. Jackson) and Vincent Vega (John Travolta) do the dirty work for the mob, they come across all sorts of moral dilemmas. The story, told in four different points of view, is about the characters everyday lives, leading up to each of their revelations in some form or another. The different points of view make the plot hard to focus on, but I argue that the lack of a soundtrack adds a greater importance on the other aspects of the soundtrack, namely dialogue in the scenes I have …show more content…
In this paper, I compare two scenes from Pulp Fiction and argue that they are two instances that reveal what the film is really like to the audience. The two scenes I chose are, in the middle of the film, when Butch is in the taxi and then in the phone booth and then towards the end of the film when Vincent and Jules are in the car with Marvin. I chose these scenes because they most aptly represent the theme of the film, in that they reveal certain instances where the characters’ lack of respect and decency for human life comes through into their actions and …show more content…
It shows Butch Coolidge (Bruce Willis) in a taxi with Esmeralda Villalobos (Angela Jones) driving in the first part of the scene and then, in the second part, Butch is by himself in a phone booth talking to a guy named Scotty (who I am assuming is his trainer) about money arrangements. Like the last scene I chose, this scene doesn’t have music and is mainly dialogue based with backgrounded sound effects. In the taxi, the main sound effects heard are from the car and the street noise. These noises add some filling to the pauses in between conversation, making it seem, lighter and not as heavy with anticipation for whatever they might say next. In the phone booth, the small amount of background noise makes the conversation over the phone seem more important than it would have with just music, even if what they are saying seems casual and careless. With the small amount of sound effects, it was difficult to hear what the person on the other side of the phone was saying.Throughout both parts of this scene, the main conversation is about the fight Butch just won by killing his opponent. In the taxi, Esmeralda asks Butch what it felt like when he beat a man to death with his bare hands. Butch responds with “I didn't know he was dead until you told me he was dead. Now that I know he's dead, you wanna know how I feel about it? I don't feel the least bit bad about it.” This further