1. To allow students to formulate and test hypotheses.
2. To allow students to practice taking pulse and blood pressure.
Teacher notes:
1. Briefly review of how to take a pulse and a blood pressure (if necessary)
2. Instruct students to pair off
3. Students will fill out the lab worksheet which will help guide them in the lab.
Answers to the questions:
Using what you know about pulse and blood pressure, form a hypothesis about what you think will happen to pulse with exercise.
Exercise will make pulse rise.
What do you think will happen to blood pressure with exercise?
Exercise will make blood pressure rise.
What can you hypothesize about the relationship between the two?
Changes in pulse cause mirroring changes in blood pressure.
Name ____________________________________
Hypothesis formation
Using what you know about pulse and blood pressure, form a hypothesis about what you think will happen to a patient’s pulse after heavy exercise.
What do you think will happen to the patient’s blood pressure after heavy exercise? ________________________________________________________________________
What can you hypothesize about the relationship between pulse and blood pressure?
Step 1: Choose one person to be the test subject and one to be the recorder.
Step 2: Take your partner’s pulse and blood pressure,